
밴드 7-9 표현 정리 (직업/인터뷰/일)

  • 아이엘츠 자료실_ 아이엘츠 보카 (직업_인터뷰_일) - 스코어팩토리.pdf


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    IELTS Vocabulary  : band 7-9 phrases

    (아이엘츠 보카 정리)


    아이엘츠 스피킹 파트1

    Examiner: What do you do?
    Sasha: I do a job-share with a friend in a boutique … I enjoy it … I like working with customers … unfortunately it’s only temporary work but one of the perks of the job is I get a discount on the clothes …

    I do a job-share with a friend in a boutique.
    I enjoy it.
    I like working with customers.
    unfortunately it’s only temporary work but one of the perks of the job is I get a discount on the clothes.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    Examiner: Do you have any career plans yet?
    Carly: Yes … I’d like to be my own boss one day … I’m interested in programming and I’d like to create apps for myself or for other companies … I know being self employed would be a challenge but the idea of doing a nine-to-five job doesn’t appeal to me at all …

    I’d like to be my own boss one day.
    I’m interested in programming and I’d like to create apps for myself or for other companies.
    I know being self employed would be a challenge but the idea of doing a nine-to-five job doesn’t appeal to me at all.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    Examiner: What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time?
    Marie: I’d hope to be working … not a high-powered job … but I’m quite a creative person so something where I can work with my hands would be nice … as long as I’m not stuck behind a desk doing something boring  in a dead-end job I’ll be happy …

    I’d hope to be working.
    not a high-powered job.
    but I’m quite a creative person so something where I can work with my hands would be nice.
    as long as I’m not stuck behind a desk doing something boring  in a dead-end job I’ll be happy.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    아이엘츠 스피킹 파트2

    Describe your ideal job. You should say:

    • what this job is
    • whether you would need any qualifications
    • whether it would be easy to find work

    and say why you would enjoy this job in particular.

    Max:  I’ve always loved watching wildlife programmes on TV and often thought how much I’d enjoy working with animals … perhaps in a safari park … something like that … you’d probably need a degree to have any chance of being called for an interview and whether there are many full-time jobs I don’t know … I’m sure a lot of parks rely on voluntary work so it might not be easy … and it probably wouldn’t be well-paid either but money isn’t everything … I’d get so much job satisfaction … I can’t imagine it being the kind of job where you get stuck in a rut … and I think I’d be good at it as well … I’d love to work with animals I enjoy manual work and I’m a good team player … so even though the working conditions might not be the best I think that would be my ideal job …

    I’ve always loved watching wildlife programmes on TV and often thought how much I’d enjoy working with animals.
    perhaps in a safari park.
    something like that.
    you’d probably need a degree to have any chance of being called for an interview and whether there are many full-time jobs I don’t know.
    I’m sure a lot of parks rely on voluntary work so it might not be easy.
    and it probably wouldn’t be well-paid either but money isn’t everything.
    I’d get so much job satisfaction.
    I can’t imagine it being the kind of job where you get stuck in a rut.
    and I think I’d be good at it as well.
    I’d love to work with animals I enjoy manual work and I’m a good team player.
    so even though the working conditions might not be the best I think that would be my ideal job.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드



    아이엘츠 스피킹 파트3

    Examiner: If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority, young people or older people with more experience?
    Anna: Things are so different these days … a few years ago older employees would often take early retirement or go onto part-time contracts and there were always opportunities for younger people but now jobs are so scarce … I think younger people need to be given the chance whenever possible …

    Things are so different these days.
    a few years ago older employees would often take early retirement or go onto part-time contracts and there were always opportunities for younger people but now jobs are so scarce.
    I think younger people need to be given the chance whenever possible.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    Examiner: What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before accepting a job?
    Ali: Well  … you’d need to know about your area of responsibility … and your salary of course and then there are things like holiday entitlement … maternity or paternity leave … if you’re thinking of having children … and what the situation is regarding sick leave … that kind of thing …

    you’d need to know about your area of responsibility.
    and your salary of course and then there are things like holiday entitlement.
     maternity or paternity leave.
    if you’re thinking of having children.
    and what the situation is regarding sick leave.
    that kind of thing.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    Examiner: What are the advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone else?
    Julie: Well … unfortunately being an employee at the moment is very stressful … people have very heavy workloads … they’re always under pressure to meet deadlines … running your own business isn’t easy … but I do think it would be far more satisfying …

    unfortunately being an employee at the moment is very stressful.
    people have very heavy workloads.
    they’re always under pressure to meet deadlines.
    running your own business isn’t easy.
    but I do think it would be far more satisfying.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드



    • to be called for an interview:
      to be invited to attend an interview
      면접요청을 받다
    • to be your own boss:
      to have your own business
      사장님이 되다. (창업하다)
    • a dead-end job:
      a job with no promotional opportunities
      장래성 없는 직업
    • to do a job-share:
      to share the weekly hours of work with another person
      일을 나눠서 하다
    • a good team player:
      somebody who can work well with other people
      팀플레이가 되는 사람
    • full-time:
      the number of hours that people usually work in a complete week
    • a heavy workload:
      to have a lot of work to do
      과중한 업무량
    • a high-powered job:
      an important or powerful job
      책임이 막중한 일
    • holiday entitlement:
      the number of days holiday allowed
    • job satisfaction:
      the feeling of enjoying a job
    • manual work:
      work that requires physical activity
    • maternity leave:
      time off work given to a woman about to have a baby
    • to meet a deadline:
      to finish a job by an agreed time
      기한을 맞추다
    • a nine-to-five job:
      a normal job that consists of an 8 hour day (approximately)
      9시출근 5시퇴근하는 평범한 일 꿈의 직장
    • one of the perks of the job:
      an extra benefit you get from a job
      직원 복지 (월급 외에 혜택)
    • part-time:
      working less than full-time
    • to run your own business:
      see ‘to be your own boss’
      사업을 운영하다
    • to be self-employed:
      see ‘to be your own boss’
      사장님이 되다
    • sick leave:
      time allowed off work when sick
    • to be stuck behind a desk:
      to be unhappy in an office job
      책상에서 계속 하는 일
    • to be/get stuck in a rut:
      to be in a boring job that is hard to leave
      (같은 일을 오래해서) 타성에 빠지다.
    • to take early retirement:
      to retire early (retire: to reach an age when you are allowed to stop working for a living)
      조기 은퇴하다
    • temporary work:
      work done for a limited time only
    • voluntary work:
      to work without pay
    • to be well paid:
      to earn a good salary
      돈을 많이 받는 (페이가 높은)
    • working conditions:
      the hours, salary and other entitlements that comes with the job
      업무 조건
    • to work with your hands:
      to do manual work
      손으로 하는 일


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    해활 21.05.27.
    유용한 표현 감사합니다.
    Ari 21.04.26.
    아이엘츠 시험을 다시 봐야해서 검색해보고 가입했습니다ㅜㅜ 자료 오픈해주셔서 감사합니다.
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    공장장 작성자 21.04.26.
    ლ(◞‿◟ლ) 잘오셧습니다
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    김진웅 21.04.17.
    To be well paid는 돈을 많이 받는 이라고 해도 될것 같아요
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    공장장 작성자 21.04.17.
    수정했어요~ 감사합니다!
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    김진웅 21.04.17.
    Dead end job... 지금 제 직장이야기네요 ㅜㅜ
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    공장장 작성자 21.04.17.
    ㅠㅁ ㅠ.. 그런데 보통 장래성이 좋은 회사들은 그 만큼 헌신을 요구하니까요.. 좋은 점도 있지 않을까요? 미국은 코로나가 끝나가는 분위기에요?
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    김진웅 21.04.17.

    이년반 전에 지금 직장으로 옮겼는데 연방정부, 주정부에서 지원받아 운영하는 비영리 단체 클리닉에서 일하고 있어요 그래서 일시작할 때무터 연봉이 낮은건 알고 있었어요 그래도 열심히 일하면 페이도 올라가고 하겠지 했는데 일해보니까 제 착각임을 깨달았습니다 ㅜㅜ
    그냥 봉사한다는 생각으로 열심히 일하고 있습니다

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    공장장 작성자 21.04.17.

    클리닉이라고 하시면 의사이신가봐요.. 와 좋은 일 하시네요. 미국에 의사로 가는 것도 흔한 일이 아닌데 비영리 단체에서 클리닉까지! 인간 극장 느낌이 솔솔 납니다!

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    김진웅 21.04.19.
    의사로 온것은 아니구요.
    결혼하고 와이프랑 둘이 미국 이민와서 최저임금 받으며 힘들게 살다가 첫 애기 임신할때쯤 아 이건 미래가 없겠구나 이렇게는 안되겠다싶어 열공해서 의사가 되었습니다. 그후 저의 가족 어렵게 살때 받았던 도움을 생각하며 의료보험 없는 사람들을 돕고자 지금의 클리닉으로 옮기게 되었습니다.
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    공장장 작성자 21.04.19.
    진짜 인간 극장 맞네요 ㅠ.ㅠ 의료보험 없는 사람들을 돕는 클리닉이라니.. 정말 훌륭하세요.
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    김진웅 21.04.17.
    코로나는 아직 여전한데 사람들이 코로나에 지쳐서 그냥 하고싶은대로 하는 분위기도 좀있어요 ㅜㅜ
    잔슨앤잔슨 백신 접종후 Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia 케이스가 6명이 있어서 FDA와 CDC 에서 몇일전에 잔슨 앤 잔슨 백식 접정 전면중단 시킨거 때문에 백신에 대한 불신도 좀 더해진거 같고 몇일전에 경찰이 흑인 실수로? 총으로 쏴죽인 사건때문에 인종차별 문제도 다시 불거지고 있구요. 그냥 전체적으로 혼돈의 카오스 입니다 ㅜㅜ


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