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IELTS Speaking Model Answers

4.9 (186) Sep to Dec, 2024

Essentials for IELTS Speaking

It perfectly responds to the IELTS Bro with a hit rate of over 90%, and has been prepared by instructors with speaking 8.5 or higher and supervised by former examiners, so it is prepared with natural flow and sentences suitable for the 7-9 level of the IELTS band, rather than more difficult and unnatural scripts than necessary.


  • Part 3

    Do you think it's necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?

    While parents play a crucial role in guiding and supporting their children, it is essential to strike a balance between parental authority and allowing children to develop decision-making skills. Parents should involve their children in decision-making processes, giving them opportunities to express their opinions and make choices within appropriate boundaries. This approach fosters independence and helps children learn from their own experiences.

    Model answer with natural flow and good organization
  • 어린이는 연령과 이용 가능한 자원에 따라 다양한 환경에서 노는 경우가 많습니다. 어린 아이들은 놀이터, 공원, 실내 놀이 공간에서 놀이를 즐기고, 나이가 많은 아이들은 집에서 스포츠를 즐기거나 비디오 게임을 할 수 있습니다. 또한 동네에서 친구들과 놀거나 팀 스포츠 또는 취미 클럽과 같은 조직적인 활동에 참여할 수도 있습니다.

    Provide Korean translation
  • Parental authority 부모 권위
    Decision-making skills 의사결정 능력
    Involve 참여시키다
    Express their opinions 의견을 표현하다
    Choices 선택
    Appropriate boundaries 적절한 경계
    Fosters 육성하다
    Independence 독립성
    Learn from their own experiences 자신의 경험으로부터 배우다

    주제와 연관된 좋은 표현 정리


  • Perfect response to 1-4 April expected questions
  • Band 8-9 level model answers
  • Organized good expressions
  • Korean translation provided
  • Free update when additional expected questions are added*1

*1 Until Dec 31, 2024

What's included

  • Model answers PDF download
  • Model answers MP3 download
  • Workbook PDF download
  • Self-assessment form download
4.9 ( 186 reviews )
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    Hankyul 2024-08-15
    기출 정리 좋아요
  • ?
    Pong 2024-08-02
    기출이 잘 정리되어서 좋아요
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    skrudskrud22 2024-07-09
    덕분에 많은 도움이 됬어요!!
  • ?
    eva16 2024-06-23
    it helps me a lot in seft-study
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    happybbo 2024-06-04
    혼자 준비하는 게 너무 막막했는데 자료가 있어서 도움이 많이 됐어요ㅎㅎ
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    37498 2024-05-23
    편하고 손쉽게 여러가지 표현들을 익힐 수 있어 좋아요

Question List

Part 1
  1. Taking photos
  2. Meet new friends
  3. Teamwork
  4. Place of work/study
  5. Good view
  6. Perfume
  7. Teachers
  8. Fishing
  9. Laughing
  10. Roads and streets
  11. Coins
  12. Bikes
Part 2 and 3
  1. Describe a time when you received good service from a staff member in a shop
  2. Describe a place in your city you have been to where you can see wildlife
  3. Describe someone else’s room you enjoy spending time in
  4. Describe your favourite food at a traditional festival or a special event in your country
  5. Describe a public park or garden
  6. Describe a place in your hometown/city that is different from other places and that you enjoy visiting with your parents/friends
  7. Describe a person who likes to make things by hand
  8. Describe a person who likes to read a lot
  9. Describe a photo that is special to you
  10. Describe a challenge you faced that you thought was rather difficult
  11. Describe a prize you have received recently
  12. Describe a time when you lost an important and valuable item
  13. Describe a person you know who has chosen a career in the medical field
  14. Describe an occasion when you helped a family member/relative with something
  15. Describe an old person you know
  16. Describe a movie you watched and enjoyed recently
  17. Describe an ideal and perfect place where you would like to stay
  18. Describe a crowded place you went to
  19. Describe a person from whom others like to ask for advice
  20. Describe a cultural place that you would like to learn the culture there
  21. Describe the most expensive item you have ever bought
  22. Describe an old friend you had lost touch with and got in contact with again
  23. Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place
  24. Describe a person who has strong opinions
  25. Describe something you did in your study/work that has made you feel confident
  26. Describe an online video in which you learned something new

Update history

  • Released: 2024 Sep 12
  • Updated #1: 2024 Sep 12

Frequently Asked Question

  • Q: Should I memorize every answer?

     Instead of trying to memorize every sample answer perfectly, try be more familiar with how they were formed and the strategies done by reading and listening to these model responses repeatedly.

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     Please note that this product can be used by the purchaser alone and is digitally marked on PDF files. Be aware that it can be tracked for unauthorized distribution or sharing.

  • Q: How long does it take to receive the product?

     This product including IELTS speaking model answers (PDF) and audio files (MP3) are digital products which can be downloaded immediately once you purchase them. Please take note that a paper book is not provided.