Task 1G Sample

모범답안 - 사과 편지(Apology Letter) (격식 / 비격식)

  • 아이엘츠 자료실_ 아이엘츠 라이팅 - 모범답안 - 사과 편지(Apology Letter) (격식 _ 비격식).pdf


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    아이엘츠 제너럴 라이팅 테스크 1에서 누군가에게 사과하는 편지를 쓰는 문제는 빈번히 출제됩니다. 격식과 비격식 두가지 모두 나올 수 있습니다. 높은 점수를 받기 위해서는 반드시 맞는 스타일과 톤을 사용해야만 합니다. 플래닝 시작 전에 받은 문제를 어떤 타입인지 항상 파악하세요. 


    • 비격식 사과 편지 모범답안
    • 격식 사과 편지 모범답안


    두 모범답안을 보면서 격식/비격식에 따라 내용, 톤, 표현이 어떻게 달라지는지 확인해보세요.


    아이엘츠 비격식 사과 편지


    Write a letter to a friend. You have borrowed something from your friend and it got damaged.

    1. Apologize for damaging the product
    2. Explain what happened
    3. Say how are you going to fix the issue


    Dear Emily,


    Sorry it’s taken me so long to write to you but at last I put pen to paper to explain why I haven’t returned that DIY book I borrowed from you.


    To be honest, I’ve been feeling so guilty that I delayed writing to you. I have to own up that I damaged the book accidentally. I’m so very sorry. I know how important that book is to you as it was passed down from your late father.


    What happened is that I had been reading up on the chapter about DIY plumbing when I knocked over my cup of coffee which splashed all over the book. Most of the stain is on the pages that were open at the time.


    I’ve sent the book away to be repaired. I didn’t realise that was even possible until I researched it. Anyway, it should be as good as new when I get it back next week and then I’ll send it on to you.


    Again, I’m so sorry for the delay in telling you. I hope you can forgive me.


    Best wishes



    아이엘츠 격식 사과 편지


    Write a letter to your boss apologising for the recent meeting you missed at work.

    1. Apologise for missing the meeting.
    2. Explain what happened.
    3. Say what you will do to compensate.


    Dear Mr Drummond,


    I am writing to apologise for the meeting I missed on October 20th about development plans for the company.


    I am sincerely sorry for not being able to attend this meeting. I am aware of the importance of the meeting but, unfortunately, my absence was unavoidable.


    The reason for not attending this meeting was that I had a car accident on the way to work that day. Although the accident was not serious, I was taken to hospital for a check up and not allowed to leave until I had been given the all clear from a doctor.


    I understand how crucial this meeting was and, therefore, I have asked one of my colleagues, Sandra Brown, to review the meeting with me after work today. We will go over all development plans and also people’s roles and responsibilities. By the end of today, I will be up to speed with all plans.


    I hope you will forgive my absence and be assured of my commitment to this company and its future.


    Yours sincerely,

    Richard Brollend


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