모범답안 파트1 '단순화 하기'
IELTS Speaking Sample Answer
아이엘츠 스피킹 모범 답안
참조 : ielts-simon.com
스피킹 파트 1에서 당신의 우선 순위는 문법이나 어휘가 아닌 유창성이 되어야 합니다. 파트 1을 좀 더 단순하고 쉽게 접근하면 여러분은 좀 더 유창하게 말할 수 있습니다.
여기에 학생들의 답변을 어떻게 단순화 할 수 있는지 예를 들어보겠습니다.
Student's answer:
Logically people from different generation will have taste variation. Depending upon the maturity, music stars of their own age, impact of globalisation as well as technological development in music industry will divide younger and older generation.
My simplified answer:
Popular music changes all the time, and most of us are influenced by whatever style of music is popular when we are growing up.
Of course, people from different generations have different tastes in music. Popular music changes all the time, and most of us are influenced by whatever style of music is popular when we are growing up.
Student's answer:
Yes, I am fond of music. It is simply the medicine for my mind. When I am stressed, music remove stress. When I am happy, music inspires me to be more. It always in the centre of all my parties with friends. When I am sad, music takes me out glue and move forward.
When Im stressed or sad, music picks me up and puts me in a positive frame of mind.
My simplified answer:
Yes, I love music, mainly because it helps to put me in a better mood. When I'm stressed or sad, music picks me up and puts me in a positive frame of mind.