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The tables below show the consumption and production of potatoes in different regions of the world in 2006.

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    Task Response: 8
    The student addresses all parts of the question effectively. The overview and the detailed paragraphs provide a clear, accurate representation of the data.

    Coherence & Cohesion: 8
    The student’s response is logically organized and uses a range of cohesive devices effectively, making it easy to follow the information and arguments.

    Lexical Resource: 7
    The writer uses a range of vocabulary to describe the data, showing an awareness of collocations. However, the lexical resources could be expanded to provide more variation and sophistication in language.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7
    There is a good range of structures, but there are occasional errors, such as the phrase 'the how much potato', 'other part of the world', and 'come out of Asia'. These slightly hinder understanding.

    Overall: 7.5
    The writing effectively communicates information and provides a clear response to the visual data. However, a few grammatical errors prevent it from reaching a higher band. For an improvement, an expanded and more precise use of vocabulary and more attention to grammar accuracy is needed.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    The tables below show the consumption and production of potatoes in different regions of the world in 2006.
    The tables provided ascertain levels of consumption and production of potatoes in varying global regions for the year 2006. High consumption appears prominent in Europeans, whilst low production is evident in Africa.

    Delving into the figures, Europeans have the highest consumption of potatoes averaging roughly 100 kilograms per year. This is much higher than North Americans who sit next at an annual consumption of around 60 kilograms. The consumption figures drop significantly for Asians and both Central and South Americans, with both groups consuming less than half of what North Americans do, recording at 25.8 kilograms and 23.6 kilograms respectively.

    In terms of production, Asians are the biggest producers at nearly 132 kilograms, closely followed by Europeans who produce just marginally less. The worldwide distribution depicts a stark difference as the remaining regions amass a combined total of 60 kilograms, with South and Central America trailing at the bottom with a meager production of 15.6 kilograms.

    In conclusion, it's apparent that potato consumption and production trends greatly differ across various regions globally. The disparity in production makes it clear that regions need to improve their agricultural methods to increase potato production.

    Word count: 202

    Essay translated in Korean:
    제공된 표는 2006년 전세계 각지에서의 감자의 소비량과 생산량을 확인하는데 있습니다. 높은 소비량은 유럽인에게서 도드라지며, 특히낮은 생산량은 아프리카에서 확인됩니다.

    세부적으로 살펴보면 유럽인들은 연간 약 100킬로그램으로 가장 많은 양의 감자를 소비하고 있습니다. 이는 북미인들이 연간 약 60킬로그램으로 소비하는 것보다 훨씬 높습니다. 아시아인들과 중남미인들의 소비량은 북미인들이 소비하는 양의 절반도 안 되는 25.8킬로그램과 23.6킬로그램으로 매우 낮습니다.

    생산량 측면에서는 아시아인들이 거의 132킬로그램으로 가장 많이 생산하며, 이는 유럽인들이 미세하게 덜 생산하는 수치와 가까웁니다. 전세계적으로 생산량을 보면 나머지 지역들이 합하여 생산하는 양은 60킬로그램으로, 중남미는 생산량이 매우 적인 15.6킬로그램으로 꼴찌입니다.

    결론적으로, 감자의 소비량과 생산량은 전세계 각지에서 크게 다르며, 생산량의 차이는 각 지역이 농업 방법을 개선하여 감자 생산량을 늘려야 함을 분명하게 보여줍니다.

    Good expressions:
    1. ascertain levels of : ~의 수준을 확인하다
    2. prominent in : ~에서 두드러진
    3. delving into the figures : 숫자를 세세하게 살펴보다
    4. stark difference : 극명한 차이
    5. disparity in production : 생산량의 불균형
    6. trailing at the bottom : 꼴찌를 하다
    7. agricultural methods : 농업 방법
    8. potato consumption and production trends : 감자의 소비 및 생산 경향
    제출한 라이팅
    The two tables indicate the how much potato was consumed and produced in five areas of the planet in 2006. Overall, what stands out from the consumption table is that Europeans are by far the biggest consumers of potatoes, while Africans eat the fewest potatoes. It is clear from the production table that Asians and Europeans produce considerably more potatoes than any other part of the world.

    Turning to the details, the average European consumes almost 100 kilos of potatoes in a year, considerably more than the second most frequent potato eaters, North Americans, who eat close to 60 kilos per annum. Asians and Central and South Americans eat less than half the amount consumed by North Americans, at 25.8 kilos and 23.6 kilograms respectively.

    Europe and Asia together supply the vast majority of the world’s potatoes, with Europe producing only slightly less than the 131.2 kilos that come out of Asia. The rest of the world combined produce only 60 kilos, South and Central America being the least productive region, producing just 15.6 kilos.


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