아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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The table below show the consumption and production of potatoes in different regions of the world in 2006.

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    Task Response: 7
    The essay provides a great response to the task. The student is able to effectively summarise and highlight the key features of the data from the table. They also provide a clear overview of the information, though a more detailed analysis could have been given.

    Coherence & Cohesion: 9
    The essay is well-structured and ideas are logically ordered. The student makes good use of cohesive devices and paragraphing. The reader can follow the logic of the information given without any problem.

    Lexical Resource: 8
    The student shows a good range of vocabulary in their essay. However, there is some minor repetition of words ('potatoes'), where synonyms or paraphrasing could be used to enhance diversity of language.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 7
    There are few grammatical errors ('One European person', 'is followed', 'amount of one fifth of potatoes are'), but the overall meaning remains clear. The student also uses a variety of grammatical structures well.

    Overall: 7.75
    The student provides a clear and detailed description of the data, showing good use of vocabulary, grammar and structure. Some minor errors could be improved upon. The overall band score is 7.75, which rounds off to an IELTS Band 8.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    The table below show the consumption and production of potatoes in different regions of the world in 2006.
    The given tables shed light on the production and consumption of potatoes across various regions in the world for the year 2006. A conspicuous tendency can be observed regarding the highest and lowest consumption and production rates.

    Delving into the details, Europe surfaced as the leading consumer of potatoes, with residents consuming approximately 100 kilograms per person. This figure was nearly four times greater than the consumption in Asia, making Europe the prominent consumer. North America represented the second most significant region in terms of potato consumption, following Europe. On the contrary, consumption rates were considerably lower in South and Central America, roughly less than half of North America's consumption.

    Transitioning to the aspect of potato production, it is apparent that Asia was the most substantial contributor, yielding around 130,000,000 tonnes of potatoes. Europe took the second spot in production rates after Asia. North America, in comparison, produced a considerably lesser quantity of potatoes, which amounted to approximately one fifth of Europe's production.

    In conclusion, the data presents a clear picture of Europe's dominance in potato consumption and Asia's vital role in potato production during 2006.

    Word count: 188

    Essay translated in Korean:

    주어진 표는 2006년 전세계 여러 지역에서의 감자의 생산과 소비에 대한 정보를 제공한다. 가장 높고 낮은 소비와 생산률에 대한 명확한 경향이 관찰된다.

    세부 사항으로 들어가면, 유럽이 감자 소모의 주요 소비자로 나타났다. 이 수치는 아시아의 소비량보다 거의 네 배나 많아서 유럽이 주요 소비자였다. 북미는 유럽에 이어 감자 소비에서 두 번째로 중요한 지역을 대표하였다. 반면에 남중미 지역에서의 소비율은 북미의 소비량의 절반도 안 되는 수준이었다.

    감자 생산의 측면으로 넘어가면, 아시아가 약 130,000,000톤의 감자를 생산하는등 가장 중요한 기여자였음이 분명하다. 아시아 다음으로 유럽이 생산률에서 두 번째 자리를 차지하였다. 그와 비교하면, 북미에서는 감자의 생산량이 유럽의 생산량의 약 5분의 1로 상당히 적었다.

    결론적으로, 이 데이터는 2006년 유럽의 감자 소비 우위와 아시아의 감자 생산에서의 핵심 역할을 명확하게 보여준다.

    Good expressions:

    1. A conspicuous tendency - 뚜렷한 경향
    2. Transitioning to the aspect of - ~의 관점으로 전환하면
    3. Delving into the details - 세부 사항으로 들어가면
    4. Surfaced as the leading - ~로서 선두로 나타났다.
    제출한 라이팅
    The tables give information regarding how many potatoes were consumed and produced in five different continents on this planet in 2006. Overall, what stands out from the consumption table is that European citizens ate potatoes for their meals the most, while the amount of potato consumption is the lowest in the Africa. It is true that most of the potatoes were grown in Europe and Asia in 2006.

    Turning to the details, One European person consumed potatoes close to 100 kilograms in average, roughly four times the amount consumed by the Asian, and is followed by North America which is second most consumption of potatoes in the world. People who live in South and Central America consumed potatoes less than half of the amount of North American potato consumption.

    It is apparent that Asian farmers grew approximately 130,000,000 tonnes of potatoes, which is followed by Europeans. In addition, the amount of one fifth of potatoes are produced in North America compared to Europe.


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