아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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According to the recent survey advertisements much less attract customers than the past. what are the reasons. Do you think this is positive or negative?

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    Task Response: 7
    The student gave a well-structured response to the question and provided some justifications to his / her viewpoint. However, a bit more expansion on the reasons would have been desirable to fully engage the task requirements.

    Coherence & Cohesion: 6
    The essay is relatively well organized and presents logical progression. The student uses a variety of linkers, but there's some repetition noticeable which decreases the cohesion.

    Lexical Resource: 6
    The student made use of a good range of vocabulary, however, it could be far more enhanced and accurate to explicitly express ideas. There were a couple of instances where word choice detracted from the clarity in meaning.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 6
    While there was evidence of both simple and complex sentences, there were also a number of grammatical errors and some awkward phrasing that discouraged fluency.

    Overall: 6.25
    The student demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the requirements of the task and showed a good level of coherence in his/her argument. However, there is still room for improvement, in particular with regard to grammatical accuracy, lexical variety and the depth of the argument. To increase the score, the student should work on reducing grammatical errors, expanding vocabulary use, and elaborating more on arguments with clear examples or detailed explanations.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    According to the recent survey advertisements much less attract customers than the past. what are the reasons. Do you think this is positive or negative?
    It has been of late observed that advertisements have a diminishing effect on customer decision-making, as backed up by recent research. I posit that this is indeed a beneficial development for consumers.

    One reason behind the reduced influence of advertisements is the fact that many businesses tend to highlight their product's positive aspects whilst concealing its shortcomings, thereby misrepresenting their true worth. This leads to consumers feeling misled and distrusting of the reliability of adverts. This suspicion has seen prospective purchasers drift away from these promotional materials and increasingly ignore them.

    Added to this, in this information-rich age, consumers have grown increasingly reliant on online reviews than trusting advertisements alone. In the past, advertisements served as a primary source of information for buyers, but today, consumers prefer reviewing feedback from real users. This practice lends buyers a more objective perspective and allows them to make independent decisions when it comes to their purchases.

    I believe this shift in consumer behaviour is positive as it encourages individuals to rely on their judgment rather than succumbing to the influence of adverts. Moreover, it pushes businesses to develop products of superior quality so as to meet customer expectations directly.

    In summary, the declining trust in advertisements, as highlighted in recent studies, signifies a positive trend of informed decision-making among consumers.

    Word count: 251 words

    Essay translated in Korean:
    최근 연구에 따르면 광고가 고객의 의사결정에 미치는 영향이 줄어들고 있다는 사실이 최근 드러났다. 나는 이것이 소비자에게 유익한 발전이라고 생각한다.

    1. [광고가 미치는 영향이 줄어든 이유 중 하나는]
    광고는 많은 기업들이 자신들의 제품의 장점을 강조하면서 동시에 단점을 숨기려 하여 품목의 가치를 왜곡한다. 이로 인해 소비자는 광고의 신뢰성에 의문을 가지게 되어, 본질적으로 광고 전체에 대해 더 많은 의심을 보이게 되었다. 이와 같은 의심 때문에 잠재적인 소비자들이 승진 성질네서 멀어져 가고, 광고를 무시하게 되었다.

    또한, 이 정보 포화 시대에 소비자들은 광고보다는 온라인 리뷰에 더 큰 의존성을 보인다. 과거에는 광고가 구매자에게 주요한 정보의 원천이었지만, 오늘날에는 소비자들이 실제 사용자들의 수정반응을 검토하는 것을 선호한다. 이러한 실천은 구매자에게 더 객관적인 관점을 제공하고 자신들의 구매에 대한 독립적인 결정을 내릴 수 있게 한다.

    나는 이러한 소비자 행동의 변화가 선수를 방해하는 광고의 영향에서 벗어나 개인의 판단력에 의존할 것을 권장한다는 점에서 긍정적이라고 믿는다. 또한, 이러한 행동은 기업들이 고객의 기대를 직접 충족시키기 위해 더 우수한 품질의 제품을 개발하도록 전략적 방향을 권장한다.

    요약하면, 최근 연구에서 보여주고 있는 광고에 대한 신뢰성의 하락은 소비자들이 의사결정에 있어서 보다 정보를 활용하는 긍정적인 추세를 나타낸다.

    Good expressions:
    1. [highlight their product's positive aspects whilst concealing its shortcomings] - 제품의 장점을 강조하면서 동시에 단점을 숨김
    2. [rely on their judgment] - 그들의 판단력에 의존할 것
    3. [informed decision-making] - 정보를 활용한 의사결정
    4. [pushes businesses to develop products of superior quality] - 기업들이 더 우수한 품질의 제품을 개발하도록 유도한다.
    제출한 라이팅
    Nowadays, Customers are Influenced by advertisements fewer than past Based on latest survey. I think, it has a positive impact on society and I will mention my reasons in this essay.
    To begin with, some companies and advertisers exaggerate the quality of products and downplay the weaknesses in ads. When people purchasing their products with less quality than they expect, they become disappointed and they realize advertisements are not reliable. Gradually, people lost their trust in advertisement and they start to ignore them.
    Moreover, in this high-tech era with a diversity in products and access to the internet people opt for reading online reviews more than putting faith in advertisement only. Customers in the past were largely depends on advertisement to purchase, however in these days, people have more channels and reading comments from buyers more objective and prefer to make a decision by their own.
    From my perspective, this is a positive trend that people can by whatever they need by their own judgment, not based on the influence of advertisements. On the other hand, companies ought to be more responsible and produce high quality products that meet their customers expectation.
    In conclusion, people notice less to ads based on a recent survey and this is positive because of the above-mentioned reasons.


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