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As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. What are the causes of this trend and what are the effects on society?

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    As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units. What are the causes of this trend and what are the effects on society?

    In this increasingly globalised world, there is a noticeable shift towards individual or nuclear family living arrangements in many developing nations. This essay will examine the reasons behind this cultural shift and its societal implications.

    The transformation from extended family systems to smaller living arrangements is primarily a result of urbanisation and modernisation. With a drastic increase in job opportunities in cities, a significant proportion of the population migrates from rural areas, where extended families traditionally reside, to urban cities. These burgeoning urban areas are characterised by smaller, more expensive living spaces, thus compelling smaller household units. Furthermore, the pervasiveness of modern values such as independence and personal space also contribute to this trend.

    This transition has both positive and negative repercussions on society. On the positive side, smaller family units can promote individual autonomy, decision-making power, and privacy. This minimises conflicts that may arise in extended families due to differing opinions or lifestyle preferences. Additionally, both the government and businesses can benefit from this trend contributing to increased demands for housing, appliances and more.

    However, as every coin has two sides, there are also hardships inherent to this shift. One main issue is the weakening of traditional family bonds and the resulting social isolation, leading to increased mental health issues. Elders, left behind in rural areas or inhabiting homes independently, may suffer from loneliness as well. This, in turn, might increase the demand for public health and social care facilities, revealing a significant societal cost.

    To conclude, while there are certain advantages to the tendency towards smaller family units, it is essential to find balanced solutions to mitigate its negative repercussions. Societies should adapt to this change while ensuring the maintenance of traditional family ties and support systems.

    Word count: 264

    Essay translated in Korean:

    이 거대해지는 세계에서는 많은 개발 중인 나라에서 개인 또는 핵가족 단위의 생활 방식으로의 변화가 뚜렷하게 보인다. 이 논문은 이 문화적 변화의 원인과 그 사회적인 영향에 대해 조사할 것이다.

    대가족 시스템에서 작은 생활 단위로의 변화는 주로 도시화와 현대화의 결과다. 도시의 일자리 기회가 급격히 증가함에 따라, 대가족이 전통적으로 거주하는 농촌 지역에서 인구의 중요한 부분이 도시로 이주한다. 이러한 급속하게 확장되는 도시 지역은 작고, 더 비싼 생활 공간이 특성이므로, 작은 주택 단위를 강요한다. 더욱이, 독립성과 개인 공간과 같은 현대 가치의 만연성도 이 경향에 기여한다.

    이 전환은 사회에 긍정적이고 부정적인 영향을 미친다. 긍정적인 측면에서, 작은 가족 단위는 개인의 자율성, 의사 결정력, 그리고 사생활을 촉진할 수 있다.

    Good expressions:
    1. 'transition has both positive and negative repercussions on society': 사회에는 긍정적이고 부정적인 영향을 미치는 전환
    2. 'every coin has two sides': 모든 동전은 양면이 있다
    3. 'differing opinions or lifestyle preferences': 다른 의견이나 라이프스타일 꾸미기
    4. 'Elders, left behind in rural areas': 농촌 지역에서 남겨진 노인들
    5. 'maintenance of traditional family ties': 전통적인 가족 유대의 유지


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