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아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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아이엘츠 라이팅 테스크1 General 최신 기출 모음 (Sep - Jan)

  • 아이엘츠 자료실_ 아이엘츠 라이팅 테스크1 General 최신 기출 모음 (Sep - Jan).pdf


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    아이엘츠 라이팅 테스크1 최신 기출  모음 (Sep - Jan)


    아이엘츠 라이팅 테스크1 주제들을 아래와 같이 분류하였습니다.


    • Informal letter 격식없는 편지
    • Semi-formal letter 조금 격식있는 편지
    • Formal letter 격식있는 편지 


    Informal Letters 격식없는 편지 유형


     작년엔 다양하고 한번도 본 적 없는 문제들이 많이 나왔는데 올해에는 상대적으로 거의 나오지 않았습니다. 이 유형을 더 연습하고 싶은 분들은 지난 포스팅을 참고하세요.



    You recently went to a public event (for example an exhibition, festival, or show) that you think your friend would enjoy. Write a letter to friend. In your letter


    • tell your friend what the event was
    • explain why you think your friend would like the event
    • invite them to come to the event with you



    You recently went to visit a friend in their new home. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter


    • tell your friend what you liked about his/her new house
    • say what you did or enjoyed most about your stay with your friend
    • suggest when and where you could meet your friend next



    You are going to throw a party and would like to cook a special dish for your guests but do not have the recipe. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter

    • tell your friend why you are having a party
    • explain what dish you want to cook and ask your friend for the recipe
    • invite your friend to the party


    Semi-formal Letters 조금 격식있는 편지 유형


      작년 2020년과 마찬가지로 올해 1월도 보통 수준의 조금 격식있는 편지 유형(이웃에게, 동료에게, 직장상사에게 등)이 출제되었습니다만, 한번도 본적 없는 몇몇 주제들도 출제되었습니다.


    • asking your boss to move from full-time to part-time work
      상사에게 풀타임에서 파트타임으로 옮겨달라고 요청
    • complaining that your working environment has made you sick
      작업 환경이 당신을 아프게 한다고 불평


    You recently celebrated a special occasion in your personal life and received a card and a present from your colleagues at work. Write a letter to your colleagues. In your letter


    • remind your colleagues what the special occasion you were celebrating was
    • thank them for the card and gift
    • explain why you like the gift and how you will use it



    You rent an apartment. You want to tell your landlord that you are happy with the apartment in general, but there are some small repairs that need to be carried out. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter


    • say what you like about the apartment
    • describe the repairs that need to be made
    • explain how the repairs will improve your quality of life



    You have seen a course advertised online that you think would help you perform better at work. The course will take place during the week, so you will need to take time off work.

    Write a letter to your manager. In the letter


    • say what the course is
    • explain why you want to do the course and how it will be beneficial to the company
    • suggest how your work can be covered while you attend the course.



    You work in an office and have recently been experiencing a health problem. You think that the problem started because of the working conditions in the office. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter


    • describe the health problem
    • explain why you think it was caused by conditions in the office
    • suggest what the manager should do to improve the working conditions in the office



    You are applying for a job in an international company. You would like to ask your previous employer to write a reference letter for you. Write a letter to your previous manager. In your letter


    • remind your manager of the job you previously held in the company
    • tell him / her what position you are applying for and why you want it
    • ask him / her to provide you with a reference letter



    You currently work full-time in a company but would like to change to working part-time. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter


    • explain why you would like to change to working part-time work
    • say what times and days of the week would suit you best
    • suggest how your work could be covered or completed if you work part-time



    You are currently taking an evening course at a local community college. However, you are not happy with the course. Write a letter to the manager of the college. In your letter


    • say which course you are taking
    • explain what the problem is with the course
    • suggest what the manager should do to improve the course


    Formal Letters 격식있는 편지 유형


    2021년에는 상대적으로 이 유형이 덜 출제되었지만, 격식있는 편지 유형의 출제 수와 범위는 확실히 증가해오고 있습니다. 



    You have some documents that you need to be translated into another language as soon as possible. Write a letter to a translation agency. In your letter

    • say what the documents are
    • explain why you need them to be translated
    • ask for the documents to be translated urgently



    You own an old item that you think is valuable and would like to sell. Write a letter to the owner of an antique’s shop. In your letter

    • explain how you found the shop
    • describe the item that you would like to sell
    • say how much you would like to sell the item for



    You have seen an advertisement in the local newspaper for swimming lessons at your community sports centre. You want to find out more about these lessons. Write a letter to the manager of the sports centre. In the letter

    • describe how well you can swim at the moment
    • explain why you want to learn to swim better
    • enquire about the time and cost of the swimming lessons



    You recently stayed in a hotel and left an item in the room. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter:

    • describe the item that you left in the room
    • explain where you think the item might be
    • suggest how the manager can return the item to you



    You have made a reservation in a hotel for a business trip for you and your colleagues. However, you need to make some changes to your booking. Write a letter to the hotel manager. In your letter

    • give details of your current booking
    • explain what changes you need to make and why
    • ask the manager to make some special arrangements for your business meetings



    You have seen an advert in a newspaper for a part-time voluntary job working with children. Write a letter to the employment agency. In the letter

    • say what the job you wish to apply for is
    • explain why you want to apply for the job
    • describe some of the skills and qualities you have that would be useful



    A local sports event is looking for people to voluntary/unpaid work. Write a letter to the organisers of the sports event to apply for the voluntary/unpaid work. In the letter

    • explain why you want to do voluntary/unpaid work at the sports event
    • describe some of the skills and qualities you have that would be useful
    • suggest exactly how you could help at the event



    You have discovered a lot of rubbish in a lake near where you live. In the past, the lake had always been clean. Write a letter to the local council. In the letter

    • describe the type of rubbish that you saw in the lake
    • explain where you think the waste has come from
    • suggest what the council should do about the problem



    You live in a block of flats. Your neighbour makes a lot of noise which is causing you some problems. Write a letter to your landlord. In the letter

    • describe the noise that your neighbours are making
    • explain how it is affecting you
    • suggest what your landlord could do about the problem



    You are a member of a local gym. Recently, there has been a problem in the changing area. You have reported this to the staff several times, but no action was taken. Write a letter to the manager of the gym. In your letter

    • describe the problem in the changing area
    • explain who you reported the problem to before
    • suggest what should be done about the problem



    추천인 40

    • sosun
    • Yuhwa
    • 제시제시카
    • jiwoosong
    • Augie
    • hhmin8502
    • 외노자
    • maru
    • woomock
    • isa2046

    • Aisa
    • 멍냥이
    • JaydenJeong
    • 변탐탐

    • 응잉
    • alex9089
    • Yoonsu

    • akiki
    • Sumi
    • ikonic
    • 공룡코꾸뇽
    • 쪼

    • 메서
    • soirhongzzz
    • Zulia
    • 문소윤

    • CuteSarah
    • Thomas.Choi
    • juneee

    • 장성진
    • parkely

    • MJ59
    • koo_
    • 보라돌이윰
    • 쟌쟌
    • alexsjk1001
    • JamesJK
    • Doh
    • uni
    • 제임스영어


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