Dự đoán IELTS 口语预测
아이엘츠 스피킹
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    IELTS 스피킹 파트 1


    Home country (1-4월 예상)


    Which part of your country do you want to live in?

    What makes you feel proud of your country?

    Do you know the history of your country well?

    Will you stay in Korea in the future?


    Window view (1-4월 예상)


    What scenery can you see from the window of your home/dormitory?

    Do you like to watch the scenery from your window?

    Do you want to live in a house with beautiful window views?

    How do you feel when you can't see any beautiful view from your window?


    Name (1-4월 예상)


    Is it easy for you to remember people's names?

    How do you remember people's names? 

    How do you feel when people can’ t remember your name?

    Do you often forget people's names?


    Reading (1-4월 예상)


    Do you like reading?

    Do you like to read at home or in other places?

    In what place do you think it is difficult to read?

    Do you like to read by yourself or with other people?


    Getting up early (1-4월 예상)


    Do you often get up early in the morning?

    What do you usually do when you get up early?

    Do you get up early on weekends?

    Which morning do you like best in a week?


    Being happy (1-4월 예상)


    Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?

    What do you do to stay happy?

    Can you stay happy all the time?

    Is it important to be happy?


    Maths (1-4월 예상)


    Do students learn moths in secondary schools in Chino?

    Do you think maths is difficult?

    What can people do with moths in their daily life ?

    Do you learn maths now? Why or why not?



    IELTS 스피킹 파트 2와 파트 3


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a part of a city or town you enjoy spending time in

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    What you do there

    And explain why you enjoy spending time there


    Part 3

    How do public places change in towns or cities?

    What public places do old people usually go?

    Why do young people like to go to public places?

    Will more people move to cities in the future?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when your computer broke down

    You should say:

    When it was

    What you were doing

    What you did about it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What do people use computers for?

    Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

    What do you think of people who are addicted to computers?

    Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a kind of weather you like

    You should say:

    What it is

    Where you go in this weather

    What you do in this weather

    And explain why you like it


    Part 3

    What do people wear in different weather?

    How does weather influence people's life?

    What are people's opinions on the weather forecast?

    Are there any festivals about seasons?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when you felt bored

    You should say:

    When it was

    Who you were with

    What you were doing

    And explain why you felt bored


    Part 3

    When do people feel bored?

    What can people do when they feel bored?

    Do people get bored about daily routines ?

    Is it easier for the young people to feel bored than for the old?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe an interesting conversation

    You should say:

    Who you spoke with

    Where you were

    What the conversation was about

    And explain why you think it was interesting


    Part 3

    Do people communicate more when they talk face to face?

    What do young people have conversations about?

    Do people have conversations more or less than they did in the past ?

    Do you think we need to be good at communication at work?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time you had to wait in line (Queue up) for a long time

    You should say:

    When it was

    Where you were

    Why you were there

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do Korean people often wait in line?

    Do you think the development of technology has reduced the time people spend on waiting?

    What do you think of those who cut in line or jump the queue ?

    How can companies improve their customer service?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe something important that has been kept in your family for a long time

    You should say:

    What it is

    When your family had it

    How your family got it

    And explain why it is important for your family


    Part 3

    What things do families keep for a long time?

    What's the difference between things valued by people in the past and today?

    What kinds of things are kept in museums?

    What's the influence of technology on museums?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when you ate something for the first time

    You should say:

    What you ate

    When you ate it

    Where you were

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

    What are young people's opinions on new food? How about old people?

    Should teachers and parents teach children how to cook?

    Why do people like their local food?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when you gave advice to others

    You should say:

    When it was

    To whom you gave the advice

    What the advice was

    And explain why you gave the advice


    Part 3

    Should people prepare before giving advice?

    Is it good to ask advice from strangers onfine?

    What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?

    What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe an unforgettable bike trip you had

    You should say:

    When it was

    Where you went

    Who you were with

    And explain why you think it was unforgettable


    Part 3

    Do you think biking is a good way of exercise?

    Do you think children should learn biking?

    Do people in your country often travel by bike?

    Which is more convenient? Biking or driving?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a thing that you bought and felt pleased about

    You should say:

    What you bought

    Where you bought it

    What it is for

    And explain why you felt pleased about it


    Part 3

    How often do people in your country go shopping?

    Why is online shopping popular?

    How should sellers set prices for their products?

    Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in stores?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when you got close to wild animals

    You should say:

    Where you were

    What the animals were doing

    Who you were with

    And explain what your reaction was


    Part 3

    What are the differences between animals in zoos and those in the wild?

    Why should the staff in the zoos teach the public about animals?

    Why are people keen on keeping pets?

    How can the increase of human population influence wild animals?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe the first day of your school

    You should say:

    When it was

    Where you were

    What happened

    And explain how you felt during that day


    Part 3

    Do you think students should be taken to school by parents or go by themselves?

    Should children rely on their parents or be independent?

    How can children become more independent?

    What's the influence if parents interfere with children's life too much?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a short trip you often take but do not like

    You should say:

    Where you go

    When you go there

    Why you go there

    And explain why you do not like the trip


    Part 3

    Do Korean people like travelling abroad?

    Who prefers travelling abroad? The young or the old?

    How much time do you think people should spend on a trip abroad?

    Which is better for knowing more about a country? Travelling or reading books about it?


    Part 2 (1-4월 예상)

    Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

    You should say:

    What kind of toy it is

    When you received it

    How you played it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    How do advertisements influence children?

    Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

    What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?

    Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?

    추천인 15

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    • 미실
    • 유잔
    • 랩장
    • 숭강
    • cococo
    • 또롱이
    • Goodluck_

    • JIN0403


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