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아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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(3차 업데이트) 아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 2020 5-8월 파트 2와 3

  • (3차 업데이트) 아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 2020 5-8월 파트 2와 3 - IELTS 스피킹 TIP - 맘잉!.pdf


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  • 맘잉글리쉬 아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 2020년 5-8월 파트 2와 3


    • 7월 27일 아이엘츠 브로 업데이트 내용 반영
    • 아이엘츠 브로 외 기출 문제 반영
    • 6월 29일 아이엘츠 브로 업데이트 내용 반영
    • 5월 21일 아이엘츠 브로 업데이트 내용 반영
    • 이 포스팅은 아이엘츠를 준비하시는 모든 분들과, 이 분들의 성적 향상을 위해 애쓰시는 선생님들을 위해 조건없이 배포합니다. 
    • 맘잉글리쉬 수강생 수업 자료에는 전체 문제 세트와 토픽별 조언과 관련 표현, 파라프레이징 방법, 샘플 문장 등이 포함되어있습니다.
    • 조건 없이 배포하긴 하지만 댓글 하나 달아주면 안잡아먹죠 ㅠ_ㅠ


    IELTS BRO 외 기출 정리


    Part 2 (6/13, 5-8월 예상)
    Describe a person who often helps others
    You should say:
    Who this person is
    How often this person helps others
    How this person helps others
    Why this person helps others
    And explain how you feel about this person
    Part 3
    Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?
    Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?
    ln what kinds of professions do people help others more?
    Why are some people willing to help others?


    Part 2 (5/31)
    Describe a time you got lost in a place you didn’t know about.
    You should say:
    When and where it happened
    Who was there with you
    How did you felt when you got lost?
    And explain how you found your way back


    Part 3
    Is map-reading skill important?
    Are some people good at map reading than the others?
    Why some people like to traveling to other places?
    Should they find information about this place before going there?


    Part 2 (6/22, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상, 8/24 한국, 5/18 독일, 5-8월 예상)
    Describe a practical skill you learned
    You should say:
    What it was
    When you learned it
    Why you learned it
    And explain how you felt about it
    Part 3
    What is the most important practical skill in society?
    What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?
    What kinds of professions require practical skill?
    What are some special skills that people can learn in the modern time?


    Part 2 (6/14)
    Describe unpleasant job that you did
    You should say:
    Which job it was
    When you did
    Why you did
    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3
    How modern technologies influence people?
    Are people work now less than in the past because of technological progress?
    Will people work less in the future?
    What makes people successful? Why?
    Are successful people have different abilities?


    Part 2 (6/8)
    Describe a polluted place you visited.
    You should say:
    What the place is
    What type of pollution it is/ are
    What was the cause and effect of pollution
    And explain how can this pollution be controlled


    Part 3
    Are there many environmental problems in your country?
    Are people concerned about environmental problems in your country?
    Do you think enough is being done to deal with them?
    What can  individuals do to help?
    Do you think older people have as much awareness of environmental problems as the younger generation?


    Part 2 (6/11)
    Describe a movie you watched
    You should say:
    When and where you watched it
    What the story of movie (some details)
    Why you chose to watch
    And explain your feeling about it


    Part 3
    Do you think people prefer to watch movie which is performed by famous actor/actress?
    What kind of movie people enjoy watching? (Why)
    Do you think music of movie has any impact on people to watch it
    Is it crucial to have a film industry for a country ? Why?


    IELTS BRO (7월27일 기준 출제 예상 및 기출 정리)


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people.

    You should say:

    What it was

    Where you did it

    Who you did it with

    and explain  why you think it was enjoyable


    Part 3

    What kinds of jobs need people to work in a team?

    What can parents do with their children to make them hoppy?

    How can children improve their social skills?

    What are benefits of boys and girls playing together?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a public building you enjoyed visiting

    You should say:

    When you went there

    Who you went there with

    What it was like

    And explain why you liked going there


    Part 3

    Who should be responsible for conserving the old buildings?

    Do you think the appearance of a building is important?

    What is the most important to a public building? Design, location or facilities?

    Do more people prefer to live in houses or apartments?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend

    You should say

    When it was

    Who you met

    Where it was

    And explain why you were surprised to meet him/her


    Part 3

    Why do friends meet up?

    Are there any meetings that people need to plan in advance?

    Are there any jobs related to unexpected things?

    Do unexpected things lead to progress in our civilisation?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a sport you want to try for the first time

    You should say:

    What it is

    How you would learn it

    What equipment is needed

    And explain why you would like to try it


    Part 3

    Do teens like doing sports in your country?

    ls doing sports beneficial?

    Can you keep fit by doing sports?

    What are the advantages of children joining sports groups?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when you wasted your time

    You should say:

    Where you were

    When it was

    What you did

    And explain why you think it was a waste of time


    Part 3

    How can we avoid wasting time?

    Is time management important?

    Should parents help children manage time?

    Do you think relaxing is a waste of time?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a film that made you think a lot

    You should say

    What it was

    When you saw it

    What it was about

    And explain why it made you think a lot


    Part 3

    What do you think makes a good film?

    ls film industry important for a country?

    What kinds of films are popular in China?

    Why are special effects used in some movies?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when you lost your way

    You should say:

    Where you were

    What happened

    How you felt

    And explain how you found your way


    Part 3

    Why do some people get lost more easily than others?

    Do you think it is important to be able to read a map?

    Do you think is it important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?

    How can people find their way when they are lost?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a city that you have been to and would like to visit again

    You should say:

    When you visited it

    What you did there

    What it was like

    And explain why you would like to visit it again


    Part 3

    What's the difference between the city and the countryside?

    Some people say large cities are suitable for old people. What do you think?

    Do you think it is possible that all of the population move to cities?

    Do you think people in the countryside are friendlier than people in the city?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution

    You should say:

    Where it is

    Why you visited this place

    What kind of pollution you saw

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    What kind of pollution do cities have?

    Why don't some people care about the environment?

    Do you think there is more or less pollution than in the past? How about the future?

    What should we do about environmental pollution?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise

    You should say:

    Who or what made the noise

    What the noise was like

    What you did when you heard the noise

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    Where can people hear a lot of noise?

    What may happen if one listens to very loud

    music using earphones when they are running or hiking?

    What can be done to reduce traffic noise?

    Do you think the world will be noisier in the future?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a person who you are happy to know

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    How you know this person

    What he or she is like

    And explain why you are happy to know him or her


    Part 3

    How can children feel happy?

    What's the difference between adults’ and children's happiness?

    Do you think everyone shares a similar definition of happiness?

    Some people say that living in a happy city is boring. What do you think?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you have made

    You should say:

    What the mistake was

    When you made the mistake

    Why you made the mistake

    And explain what you have learnt from the mistake


    Part 3

    What can we learn from our mistakes?

    Do children make mistakes easily?

    What should parents do if their children make mistakes?

    How do children benefit from using dictionaries?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a time when you missed an appointment

    You should say:

    When it was

    Who you made it with

    Why you missed it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    ls it important to have a daily plan?

    What kind of things do people need to plan carefully?

    ls there anything that cannot be planned?

    Do you think it is important to have a work life balance?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe an old person you know and respect

    You should say:

    Who he or she is

    How you know this person

    What he or she is like

    And explain why you respect him or her


    Part 3

    What qualities does a person need to take care of old people?

    Do you think that old people should be taken care of at home?

    How can people in the neighborhood help the elderly during the epidemic?

    Do you see this kind of(above mentioned) help occurring in your neighborhood?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a place where you are able to relax

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    How often you go there

    And explain how you feel about this place


    Part 3

    How do students relax themselves?

    What activities do employers organize to help employees relax?

    Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past?

    Do you think natural sceneries are more helpful than indoor activities?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe an application(program) you usually use on your phone

    You should say:

    What it is

    When you started to use it

    Why you use it often

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    Which phone app is the most popular in your country?

    Do you think parents should limit the time that their children spend on the phone?

    Do you think people depend on phone apps too much?

    Do you think some apps will help people to study?


    Part 2 (6/13, 5/29, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe a (long) car journey you went on

    You should say:

    Where you went

    What you did at this ploce

    Who you went there with    

    And explain why you went on thot journey by car


    Part 3

    What will cars be like in the future?

    What's the difference between men and women's preference on cors?

    What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

    Why do people like to have private cars?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a person in your family that you admire

    Who he or she is

    What he or she does for a living

    What he or she is like

    And explain why you admire him or her


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상, 8/18 한국,  5/18 한국, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

    You should say:

    What it is

    Where you would like to try it

    How difficult it is

    And explain why you would like to try it


    Part 3

    What’s the difference between outdoor sports and indoor sports?

    What kinds of water sports are popular nowadays?

    Why should we develop water transport?

    Do you think it is necessary for everyone to learn to swim?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a volunteering experience you have had

    You should say:

    What it was

    Where it was

    Why you volunteered

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What personalities and qualities are required for being a volunteer?

    How can companies engaging in volunteering help our society?

    Do you think people nowadays should participate more in volunteering?

    How do modern technologies assist volunteers and volunteering experiences?


    Part 2 (6/18, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result

    You should say:

    What it was

    Why you took it

    What the result was

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

    Are action films popular in your country?

    Do you think it is a good thing that a leader likes taking risks?

    Do you think men and women would make a different choice about risk-taking? What about the young and the old?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a foreign country(culture) you want to know more about

    You should say:

    What it is

    Where it is

    How you know it

    And explain why you want to know more about it


    Part 3

    What do you think is the best way to learn foreign culture?

    What do you think is the biggest problem to work in a foreign country?

    Some people say that reading is the best way to know about a culture, do you agree?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a friend who is a good leader

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    How you know this person

    How this person behaves

    And explain why you think this person is a good leader


    Part 3

    Who is the head of the family in your culture?

    Are men better at decision making in a family?

    Do you think this(more men than women are leaders) will change in the future?

    Should a leader discuss with team members when making decisions?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a time when a family member asked you for help

    You should say:

    When it was

    Who asked you for help

    How you helped

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What can children help parents with?

    What are the benefits of children helping their parents?

    Should parents reward their children when they help others?

    Do parents help children because they need their children to help them when they are old?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a large company that you are interested in

    You should say:

    What it is

    What it is like(What kind of business it does)

    How you knew it

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    What are the differences between a big company and a small company?

    Are there any big companies in your hometown?

    What are the advantages of working in a big company?

    ls it difficult to get a promotion in a large company?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed

    You should say:

    When it was

    What you ate

    Who you were with

    And explain why you enjoyed it


    Part 3

    Why do people like to have food on special occasions?

    What's the difference between eating at home and eating out on special occasions?

    What national identity can be seen in a nation's culinary?

    Why do global leaders like to gather around for dinner?


    Part 2 (5/31, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes

    You should say:

    When it was

    What you wore

    What it looked like

    And explain why you wore it


    Part 3

    Do you think people need to wear formal clothes in workplaces?

    Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

    Will traditional clothes disappear in the future?

    Do old people change their style of dressing?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상)

    Describe something difficult you would like to succeed in doing

    You should say:

    What it is

    Why it is difficult

    How you would like to prepare for it

    And explain why you would like to be successful in doing it


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 2019년 -> 9-12월 예상, 8/18 한국, 7/6 뉴질랜드, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    What this person does

    How you know him

    And explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting


    Part 3

    When do children begin to have their own ideas?

    Why are there more and more differences between children and their parents?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of setting rules for children?

    Is there someone with good ideas that has changed many people’s lives?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 11/2 캐나다, 10/12 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a person who often travels by plane

    You should say:

    Who he or she is

    Where he or she goes

    Why he or she travels by plane

    And explain how he or she feels about it


    Part 3

    What are the advantages of traveling by plane?

    Why do some people prefer to travel by train?

    What are the disadvantages of living near an airport?

    How is working at the airport different from working in other places?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 2019년 -> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a person who is good at his or her job

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    What his or her job is

    How he or she likes the job

    And explain why this person is good at the job


    Part 3

    How should young people perform in their first jobs?

    How can people improve their job performance?

    What skillset should a manager have?

    Do you think what you have learned in university

    Is it going to help in your future job?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    What it is used for

    And explain why you remember it well


    Part 3

    Is color important for clothing?

    Should coursebooks be colorful?

    What color do you think people would choose when decorating their houses?

    Do you think the color of a company’s uniform represents the image of the company?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상,, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/12 한국, 9/7 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

    You should say:

    What kind of toy it is

    When you received it

    How you played it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    How do advertisements influence children?

    Should advertising aim at kids be prohibited?

    Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?

    What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 11/16 미국, 10/19 한국, 10/6 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a place (not your home) where you read and write

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    How often you go there

    And explain how you feel about this place


    Part 3

    What do you think is more important? Reading or writing?

    Who needs to have good writing skills?

    Where can people get more information from words or pictures?

    At what age should children start to read?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a new public building you would like to visit

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    How you knew it

    And explain why you would like to visit it


    Part 3

    Which is more important? Preserving old buildings or building new ones?

    What kinds of public buildings do people like to visit in Korea?

    What is the most important to a public building? Design, location or facilities?

    Do you think the appearance of a building is important?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 2019년 -> 9-12월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when you invite your family or friends to dinner

    You should say:

    When you invited them

    Where you had the dinner (At home or at the restaurant?)

    Why you invited them

    And explain how you felt about this dinner


    Part 3

    Where do Korean people usually eat? At restaurants or at home?

    Why do more and more people like to eat at restaurants rather than at home?

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating at restaurants?

    Do you think it is possible that everyone will eat at restaurants instead of at home in the future?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 2019년 -> 9-12월 예상, 8/3 한국, 6/2 필리핀, 5/11 한국, 5/4 한국, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe a time that you gave advice to others

    You should say:

    Who you gave advice to

    What the advice was

    Why you gave advice

    And how you felt about the advice


    Part 3

    What kinds of advice do parents give to their children?

    How do experts give advice to others? (e.g. a doctor gives advice to his patients)

    What advice do parents give to teenagers about making friends?

    Whose advice is more helpful? Parents’ or friends’?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 2019년 -> 10/22 한국, 9-12월 예상, 8/17 한국, 7/20 한국, 7/6 한국, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

    You should say:

    Why you got it

    When you got it

    How you got it

    How you found it was incorrect

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What kinds of professions are related to giving information to others?

    What’s the difference between giving information by phone and by email?

    How can people check whether a piece of information is correct or not?

    Do people trust the information online?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an occasion when you met someone for the first time

    You should say:

    Where you met him or her

    When you met him or her

    What you talked about

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do you think it’s strange to make friends online?

    Why do some people have few friends?

    Which is more important, new friendships or old ones?

    How do companies welcome their new employees?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 2019년 -> 10/26 한국, 9/28 캐나다, 9/28 한국, 9-12월 예상, 9/7 한국, 6/22 한국, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe an advertisement you remember well

    You should say:

    Where you saw it

    What it was about

    What it was like

    And explain why you remember it well


    Part 3

    Why do some people hate advertisements?

    Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

    Is music useful in advertising?

    What are the advantages of TV advertisement about internet advertisements? How?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others

    You should say:

    When it was

    Who you were with

    What you did

    And explain why you were bored


    Part 3

    Why do people get bored?

    Why are people less interested in reading books nowadays?

    Why do some people choose boring jobs?

    Are all the boring jobs going to be done by robots in the future?


    Part 2 (6/20, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1/26 한국, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an advice you received on choosing your major or work.

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you received it

    Who you received it from

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Why do so many young people choose communication and media studies as their major?

    Why do young people find it hard to make career choices?

    What can affect the career choices of young people?

    Can people have free choices for their jobs?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/26 한국, 10/12 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake

    You should say:

    When it happened

    Why you were sleepy

    Why you had to stay awake

    And explain how you stayed awake


    Part 3

    On what occasions do people need to keep awake when they feel tired?

    How do people keep awake when they are tired?

    Why do people feel tired a lot nowadays?

    What kind of people lack sleep?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/26 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an experience that you played an indoor game with others

    You should say:

    What you played

    Who you played it with

    Why you played it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What indoor games do children like to play nowadays?

    What qualities should a team leader have?

    ls teamwork important to individuals?

    What do you think of people spending too much time playing computer games?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 11/8 미국, 10/26 미국,  10/12 호주,  9-12월 예상) *

    Describe something useful you borrowed from others

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you borrowed it

    Who you borrowed it from

    And explain why you borrowed it


    Part 3

    What kinds of things do people borrow from each other?

    What are the things that people don’t choose to lend to others?

    What do you think of copying ideas from others?

    Do we always need to get permission from others before using something they have?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 11/2 캐나다, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a leisure activity you do with your family

    You should say:

    What it is

    When you do it

    How you do it

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    What leisure activities are popular in Korea?

    What leisure activities do young people like?

    Do leisure activities have to be educational?

    Do men and women like different leisure activities?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/12 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a time when you did not tell a friend the truth

    You should say:

    When it was

    Where it happened

    Why you did not tell the truth

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do you think mutual trust between friends is important?

    Do you think people need to tell the truth all the time?

    Why do children tell lies?

    What should parents do if their children tell lies?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/19 한국, 10/12 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone

    You should say:

    When it was

    Who you had it with

    What you talked about

    And explain why you think it was interesting


    Part 3

    What do men like to talk about? How about women?

    What is the difference between face-to-face communication and phone calls?

    Why are some people nervous when making a presentation?

    ls it appropriate to make some jokes during a presentation?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a day that made you happy

    You should say:

    Where you were

    Who you were with

    What you did

    And explain why it made you happy


    Part 3

    Are modern people happier than those living in the past?

    Who do you like to have celebrations with? Friends or family?

    Can money make people happy?

    Why are some people unhappy nowadays?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when you lost something and then got it back

    You should say:

    What you lost

    How you lost it

    Where you found it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Why do people lose their things?

    What kinds of things do people usually lose?

    What can people do to find things they’ve lost?

    What can people do to avoid losing their stuff?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a special day that you remember well

    You should say:

    Where you were

    Who you were with

    What you did

    And explain why you remember it well


    Part 3

    Do people spend too much money on their birthday parties or weddings?

    How much do you think people should spend on their birthday parties or weddings?

    Which is the better way to retain memories, by videos or photos?

    How can forgetful people remember things better?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 11/8 한국, 5-8월 예상)

    Describe something special you took home from a tourist attraction

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you bought it

    Where you bought it

    What it was like

    And explain why you think it was special


    Part 3

    What souvenirs would people buy from tourist attractions?

    Why do people like to take photos when travelling?

    Is it good that the locals sell things to tourists?

    What are the pros and cons of taking professional cameras when travelling?


    Part 2 (6/1, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 11/16 미국, 10/2 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

    You should say:

    When you watched it

    Where you watched it

    Whether you like it or not

    And explain why you want to share it with friends


    Part 3

    What kind of film is popular?

    What kind of film do young people like to watch?

    Do fewer people choose to watch movies in the cinema than people did in the past?

    Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/8 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a school you went to in your childhood

    You should say:

    Where it was

    What it was like

    What you learned there

    And explain  how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What’s the difference between current teachers and those in the past?

    What’s the difference between being taught by teachers and by AI?

    What’s the difference between private schools and public schools?

    What’s the difference between international schools and other schools?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/24 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

    You should say:

    What it was

    Who you gave it to

    How you prepared it

    And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it


    Part 3

    How do people usually choose gifts?

    Why do some people find it hard to choose gifts?

    Do you think practical gifts are always better than the other ones like cards and flowers?

    Do people give the same gifts as they did in the past?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a popular product (e.g. food, handicraft...) made in your region

    You should say:

    What it is

    What it is like

    How it is made

    And explain why it is popular


    Part 3

    Why do people use imported products?

    Do different places have their own popular products?

    What food is popular throughout the world?

    Why do people living in different regions like different food?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/19 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing

    You should say:

    Where you saw it

    Who you saw it with

    What you saw

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Should kids know more about stars and planets?

    ls high technology helpful for star watching?

    What kinds of people are interested in the stars?

    Why do some people like to watch movies about stars or planets?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상, 2019-> 10/30 한국, 9/28 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a picture or photograph you like in your room

    You should say:

    What is in it

    Where it is

    How you got it

    And explain why you like it


    Part 3

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos by smartphone?

    Do you think photographers are artists?

    What are the benefits of learning painting for children?

    Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?

    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport

    You should say:

    Where you went

    Who you were with

    What you did

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Why do people choose to travel by public transport?

    What are the disadvantages of traveling by public transport?

    Do you think offering free public transport will solve traffic problems in the city?

    Why do more and more people like to travel by plane?


    Part 2 (6/8, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when you could not use your mobile phone

    You should say:

    When it was

    Where it was

    Why you could not use your mobile phone

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones?

    How do you like children having mobile phones?

    At What age should children have mobile phones?

    Are people more polite now than in the past?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1/4 미국, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe something you bought that was difficult to use at first

    You should say:

    What it was

    Where you bought it

    How you used it successfully

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What kinds of products do young people think are useful but old people may not?

    Do you think product instructions are useful for users to use products better?

    What do you usually do if you don't know how to use the things you have bought?

    Do you think it is necessary to produce many new products nowadays?


    Part 2 (5/10, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a goal you set that you tried your best to achieve

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you set it

    What you did to achieve it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do people in your country set goals?

    Do people usually set long-term goals or short-term ones?

    Why is setting goals important in the workplace?

    What is the difference between goals set by old people and young people?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe an occasion when weather prevented your activity

    You should say:

    When it was

    Why it prevented your activity

    What you did

    And explain  how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Does weather have any impact on people's daily activities?

    Why do people do different kinds of sports in different weather?

    What kind of weather do Korean people like?

    Do Korean people talk about the weather when they meet for the first time?


    Part 2 (6/20, 5-8월 예상, 4월, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important.

    You should say:

    What it is

    Whether it is difficult or not

    How you learned it

    And explain why you think it is important


    Part 3

    What skills are important for the success of business?

    What is the difference between required skills in the past and those at present?

    What kinds of skills should successful people have?

    Do you think teamwork and communication skills are important? Why?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1/23 한국, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when you helped someone

    You should soy:

    Where you helped him or her

    Why you helped

    How you helped

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Should parents help their kids with their homework?

    What kind of device should parents give to their children?

    Should parents give children advice? Why?

    Can kid provide any help to parents?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time you saw an interesting animal

    You should say:

    What it was

    Where you saw it

    What it did

    And explain why you think it was interesting


    Part 3

    How do you like taking care of animals?

    Do you think it is safe for animals to live in the cities?

    What problems will keeping pets bring?

    How are pets now different from those in the past?


    Part 2 (5/29, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1/23 한국, 2019 ->1-4월 예상)

    Describe a uniform(in school or company) you wear

    You should say:

    When you usually wear it

    Who bought it for you

    What it is like

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    Why should students wear school uniforms?

    On what occasion should people wear uniforms?

    Should companies ask for employees’ opinions about the design of uniforms?

    Can people tell a person's personality by his/her clothes?


    Part 2 (6/15, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a difficult challenge you met

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you met it

    Where you met it

    And explain why you think it is a challenge


    Part 3

    Do you think parents should give kids challenges?

    What challenges do you think children might have to face up to?

    What is the most challenging thing for kids?

    Can parents reduce the challenges that kids have? Why?


    Part 2 (6/24, 5-8월 예상, 4월, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when someone apologized to you

    You should say:

    When it was

    Who this person is

    Why he or she apologized to you

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    On what occasions do people usually apologize to others?

    Do people in your country like to say "sorry"?

    Do you think people should apologize for anything wrong they do?

    Why do some people refuse to say "sorry" to others?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a piece of important news you got through a text message

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you got it

    Who you got it from

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do you think traditional letters are a good way to send messages?

    Why do people make phone calls instead of sending messages when there is something important?

    Is it more polite to make phone calls than send text messages?

    Does technological development have a negative impact on communication among people?


    Part 2 (5/27, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a performance you watched recently

    You should say:

    What it was

    When you watched it

    Who you were with

    And explain why you watched it


    Part 3

    What's the difference between watching a performance live and watching it on TV ?

    Which do you prefer? Traditional performance or concert?

    Should government provide financial support to promote traditional performance?

    Is learning drama or dancing helpful for children?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe an important journey that was delayed

    You should say:

    When it was

    Why it was important

    How it was delayed

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?

    How can transportation in rural areas be developed?

    How do people usually go travelling?

    In what ways can traffic conditions in a city be improved?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a team where you were a member

    You should say:

    What it was like

    Why you joined it

    What you did in it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Which one do you think is more important: individual development or teams’ goals?

    Do you think it is a good thing to have disagreements within a team?

    Do you think it is good for kids to join a team?

    How to become a good member of a team in the workplace.


    Part 2 (6/2, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe an article on health you read in magazines or the Internet

    You should say:

    What it was

    Where you read it

    Why you read it

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What can governments do to improve people's health?

    What activities can school organized for children to keep fit?

    How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?

    Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?


    Part 2 (4월 예상, 1/23 한국, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a person in the news who you want to meet

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    Where you knew him/her

    What he/she is like

    And explain why you want to meet him/her


    Part 3

    What kind of people do you usually see in the news?

    Are stories about celebrities in the news always true?

    Is news often about famous people? Why?

    Could superstar bring positive influence to the public?


    Part 2 (5/10, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a person who taught you knowledge

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    What he/she is like

    What he/she taught you hi

    And explain how you felt about him/her


    Part 3

    What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?

    Who do you think can learn better? Old people or youngsters?

    What do you think is the best age for children to go to school?

    Do you prefer to study by yourself or with your friends?


    Part 2 (6/14, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a change that can improve your local area

    You should say:

    What it is

    How it can be made

    What problem it will bring

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    Why are people living in community friendly with others?

    What are popular activities in community?

    Do people like living in community?

    Where do people in community usually have social gathering?


    Part 2 (5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future

    You should say:

    What it is

    Where you knew it from

    Why you think it is difficult or easy

    And explain why you would not like to do it


    Part 3

    What kind of job do young people prefer?

    Which do you prefer, physical work or mental work?

    What factors should people take into consideration when choosing jobs?

    Do people nowadays like to leave their hometown to work in other cities?


    Part 2 (6/4, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live

    You should say:

    Where it is

    What it is like

    Who you like to live there with

    And explain why you think it is ideal


    Part 3

    Where do people in your country like to live?  In a house or an apartment?

    What are the benefits of living in a house?

    Why do many people like to live in the city?

    Where do people like to live, in the city center or the suburbs?


    Part 2 (6/11, 6/2, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1/4 한국, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a time when you were excited

    You should say:

    Where you were

    When it was

    Who you were with

    And explain why you were excited


    Part 3

    What personal events do people usually celebrate?

    How do people celebrate their personal events?

    How much time do people need to prepare for celebrations?

    Do you think it is necessary to spend some money on celebrations?


    Part 2 (6/19, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a successful small company

    You should say:

    What it is

    What it is like

    How you knew it

    And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    Which do you prefer, family firms or non-family ones?

    What are important factors in making a company successful?

    What kinds of qualities should a successful businessman hove ?

    What emerging industries do you know?


    Part 2 (6/8, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a crowded place you went to

    You should say:

    When you went there

    Who you went there with

    Why you went there

    And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do people like to go to crowded places? Why?

    How can the problem of traffic congestion be solved?

    Why do people still like to live in big cities, even though there are severe traffic jams?

    What public facilities does your city hove?


    Part 2 (6/17, 5-8월 예상, 4월 예상, 1-4월 예상)

    Describe a family member you spend most time with

    You should say:

    Who this person is

    What kind of person he/she is

    What you usually do together

    And explain why you spend most time with him/her


    Part 3

    What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? How about the drawbacks?

    Which do you prefer, support from family members or friends? Why?

    How many generations does each family have?

    Is it important to visit family members? Why?

    추천인 191

    • gaeun
    • 치킨
    • SCho
    • 랩장
    • dulgom

    • Zoobe


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