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아이엘츠 스피킹
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아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 9-12월 파트 2/3

  • 맘잉글리쉬 아이엘츠 [스피킹] 예상 문제 (기출) [9월-12월] [파트 2_3].pdf


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    맘잉글리쉬 아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 9-12월 파트 2/3


    • 이번 9-12월은 다행히도 지난 5-8월 기출을 크게 뒤엎지 않고 대부분의 문제가 유지되는 가운데 몇몇 문제가 추가 되었습니다.
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    • 맘잉글리쉬 수강생 수업 자료에는 전체 문제 세트와 토픽별 조언과 관련 표현, 파라프레이징 방법, 샘플 문장 등이 포함되어있습니다.
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    맘잉글리쉬 아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 5-8월 파트 1

    맘잉글리쉬 아이엘츠 스피킹 기출문제 (족보) 5-8월 파트 2와 3


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

    You should say:

    • What it was
    • Who you gave it to
    • How you prepared it
    • And explain why you spent a lot of time preparing it


    Part 3

    How do people usually choose gifts?

    Why do some people find it hard to choose gifts?

    Do you think practical gifts are always better than other ones like cards and flowers?

    Do people give the same gifts as they did in the past?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an occasion when met someone for the first time

    You should say:

    • Where you met him or her
    • When you met him or her
    • What you talked about
    • And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do you think it’s strange to make friends online?

    Why do some people have few friends?

    Which is more important, new friendships or old ones?

    How do companies welcome their new employees?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe the advice you received on choosing your major or work

    You should say:

    • What it was
    • When you received it
    • Who you received it from
    • And how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Why do so many young people choose communication and media studies as their major?

    Why do young people find it hard to make career choices?

    What can affect the career choices of young people?

    Can people have free choices for their jobs?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievement

    You should say:

    • What you achieved
    • How you celebrated it
    • Who you celebrated it with
    • And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    How do Chinese people celebrate their family events?

    ls there anything different from other countries?

    Why is it important for sports fans to celebrate when their favorite team wins?

    Do people prefer winning in a team or on their own?

    How are birthday celebrations different between young and old?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a school you went to in your childhood

    You should say:

    • Where it was
    • What it was like
    • What you learned there
    • And explain  how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What’s the difference between current teachers and those in the past?

    What’s the difference between being taught by teachers and by AI?

    What’s the difference between private schools and public schools?

    What’s the difference between international schools and other schools?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe something useful you borrowed from others

    You should say:

    • What it was
    • When you borrowed it
    • Who you borrowed it from
    • And explain why you borrowed it


    Part 3

    What kinds of things do people borrow from each other?

    What are the things that people don’t choose to lend to others?

    What do you think of copying ideas from others?

    Do we always need to get permission from others before using something they have?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake

    You should say:

    • When it happened
    • Why you were sleepy
    • Why you had to stay awake
    • And explain how you stayed awake


    Part 3

    On what occasions do people need to keep awake when they feel tired?

    How do people keep awake when they are tired?

    Why do people feel tired a lot nowadays?

    What kind of people lack sleep?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a beautiful sky you enjoyed seeing

    You should say:

    • Where you saw it
    • Who you saw it with
    • What you saw
    • And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Should kids know more about stars and planets?

    ls high technology helpful for star watching?

    What kinds of people are interested in the stars?

    Why do some people like to watch movies about stars or planets?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an experience that you got bored when

    you were with others

    You should say:

    • When it was
    • Who you were with
    • What you did
    • And explain why you were bored


    Part 3

    Why do people get bored?

    Why are people less interested in reading books nowadays?

    Why do some people choose boring jobs?

    Are all the boring jobs going to be done by robots in the future?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

    You should say:

    • When you watched it
    • Where you watched it
    • Whether you like it or not
    • And explain why you want to share it with friends


    Part 3

    What kind of film is popular?

    What kind of film do young people like to watch?

    Do fewer people choose to watch movies in the cinema than people did in the past?

    Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

    You should say:

    • Where you bought it
    • How often you wear it
    • What it is like
    • And explain why you enjoy wearing it


    Part 3

    What‘s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

    Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?

    Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

    When do people wear formal clothes?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an ideal house

    You should say:

    • Where this place is
    • What it is like
    • When you want to live there
    • And explain why it is ideal for you


    Part 3

    What are the differences between living in the city and living in the countryside?

    What are the disadvantages of living in the city?

    Can you compare the past and the present of cities?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a photograph you like in your room

    You should say:

    • What is in it
    • Where it is
    • How you got it
    • And explain why you like it


    Part 3

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos by smartphone?

    Do you think photographers are artists?

    What are the benefits of learning painting for children?

    Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a person who often travels by plane

    You should say:

    • Who he or she is
    • Where he or she goes
    • Why he or she travels by plane
    • And explain how he or she feels about it


    Part 3

    What are the advantages of traveling by plane?

    Why do some people prefer to travel by train?

    What are the disadvantages of living near an airport?

    How is working at the airport different from working in other places?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a special day that you remember well

    You should say:

    • Where you were
    • Who you were with
    • What you did
    • And explain why you remember it well


    Part 3

    Do people spend too much money on their birthday parties or weddings?

    How much do you think people should spend on their birthday parties or weddings?

    Which is the better way to retain memories, by videos or photos?

    How can forgetful people remember things better?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a time when you visited a park

    You should say:

    • When you visited it
    • Who you went there with
    • What you did there
    • And explain you felt about it


    Part 3

    Why should we keep parks clean?

    Why is it necessary to have parks?

    Why is walking dogs prohibited in some parks?

    Why is walking on grass forbidden?


    Part 2 (9/7 한국, 9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

    You should say:

    • What kind of toy it is
    • When you received it
    • How you played it
    • And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    How do advertisements influence children?

    Should advertising aim at kids be prohibited?

    Do you think parents should buy more toys for

    their kids or spend more time with them?

    What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a place (not your home) where you read and write

    You should say:

    • Where it is
    • What it is like
    • How often you go there
    • And explain how you feel about this place


    Part 3

    What do you think is more important? Reading or writing?

    Who needs to have good writing skills?

    Where can people get more information from words or pictures?

    At what age should children start to read?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a leisure activity you do with your family

    You should say:

    • What it is
    • When you do it
    • How you do it
    • And explain how you feel about it


    Part 3

    What leisure activities are popular in China?

    What leisure activities do young people like?

    Do leisure activities have to be educational?

    Do men and women like different leisure activities?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a person who is good at his or her job

    You should say:

    • Who this person is
    • What his or her job is
    • How he or she likes the job
    • And explain why this person is good at the job


    Part 3

    How should young people perform in their first jobs?

    How can people improve their job performance?

    What skillset should a manager have?

    Do you think what you have learned in university

    Is it going to help in your future job?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a popular product (e.g. food, handicraft...) made in your region

    You should say:

    • What it is
    • What it is like
    • How it is made
    • And explain why it is popular


    Part 3

    Why do people use imported products?

    Do different places have their own popular products?

    What food is popular throughout the world?

    Why do people living in different regions like different food?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe an experience that you played an indoor

    game with others

    You should say:

    • What you played
    • Who you played it with
    • Why you played it
    • And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    What indoor games do children like to play nowadays?

    What qualities should a team leader have?

    ls teamwork important to individuals?

    What do you think of people spending too much time playing computer games?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school

    You should say:

    • Where you were
    • What you did
    • Who you were with
    • And explain how you felt about it


    Part 3

    Do people have more free time than those in the past?

    What do people like to do when they are free in your country?

    Do you think most people are able to manage their free time well?

    What's the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays?


    Part 2 (9-12월 예상) *

    Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors

    You should say:

    • Where it is
    • What it is like
    • What it is used for
    • And explain why you remember it well


    Part 3

    Is color important for clothing?

    Should coursebooks be colorful?

    What color do you think people would choose when decorating their houses?


    Do you think the color of a company’s uniform represents the image of the company?



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