Viết mẫu 9.0 Task 2 Vật mẫu
아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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현대 사회에서 글보다 사진이 더 강력한 소통 수단? (Opinion)

  • 아이엘츠 자료실_ 아이엘츠 라이팅 테스크2 모범답안 #38.pdf


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    IELTS Writing Task 2: Sample writing #38

    아이엘츠 라이팅 테스크 2 모범답안


    In the modern world, the image (photograph or film) is becoming a more powerful way of communicating than the written word. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


    현대 사회에서, 이미지는 글보다 더 강력한 소통 수단이 되어가고 있다. 어느 정도 동의/반대 하는가?


     It is true that one photograph can deliver several messages. In this era of modernization, multi-media is becoming very popular in conveying stronger messages than written words. I strongly favor this view because the impact of visual communication is long-lasting and also it is relatively the fastest way of conveying a message.


     While communicating with the help of visual aids, people remember the content for a prolonged time whereas written words cannot last even a few hours. Irrefutably, when presenting a message visually, people relate their life with the situation and pay full attention to it, which creates a tremendous impact. Despite publishing numerous journals, for instance, countries were not stepping forward to provide financial support to Sudan to eradicate its famine until an eminent photographer published a video of a child’s last few minutes before death. Thus, indeed, multi-media is a strong way to communicate.


     In addition, visual aids help people to understand a message more quickly than other ways. It is a known fact that the human mind processes a photo or video faster than words; therefore, people obtain more information from a single photograph than several pages of writings. In many schools, today tutors prefer teaching subjects with the help of slides, pictures, and even short videos as they believe that it is an effective way to impart knowledge to students and have witnessed significant results. Hence, there is no doubt that visual aids are a powerful tool to convey messages.


     In conclusion, I am of the opinion that the usage of multi-media is a better way to get a strong message across people as they can remember the content for a long time and grasp it swiftly.



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    공장장 작성자 21.03.18.

    - deliver several messages
    - conveying stronger messages

    - a prolonged time

    - visual
    - multimedia
    - visually
    - a photo or video

    written word
    - writings

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    공장장 작성자 21.03.18.
    현대 사회에서, 이미지는 글보다 더 강력한 소통 수단이 되어가고 있다. 어느 정도 동의/반대 하는가?

    서론: 완전 동의
    본문1: 이미지가 더 오래 기억에 남음
    본문2: 게다가, 이미지가 있으면 더 빨리 이해함
    결론: 기억도 오래가고 쉽게 이해되니 이미지가 더 강력한 소통 수단 맞음

    한글로 적어놓으면 참 간단하고 쉽죠ㅎ.

    이런 구조가 아니라 또 어떻게 쓸 수 있을까요.

    서론: 어느정도 동의
    본문1: 글의 장점
    본문2: 그러나 이미지가 더 강력함
    결론: 글도 장점이 있지만 이미지가 더 강력한 소통 수단 맞음

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