아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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AI IELTS Writing AI Correction
  • Opinion

In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

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    Task Response: [5]
    The essay begins to answer the question by stating the writer’s opinion, but it only addresses one reason why people might be interested in the history of their houses in depth, leaving out the possibility of other reasons. The second part of the question, on how people can research the history of their homes, is not addressed at all.

    Coherence & Cohesion: [6]
    Though there is some repetition and redundancy, the essay has a clear structure, starting with the writer's agreement on the increasing interest in the history of houses, and then explaining one possible reason. Clearer transitions could have been used to better organize the concepts being presented.

    Lexical Resource: [6]
    The vocabulary used in the essay is appropriate and varied to some extent. More complexity and variety in vocabulary would have served to strengthen the essay.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: [5]
    The essay contains some grammatical errors and the sentences lack complexity. For instance, in the sentence "In some nations , a number of people are," the space before the comma is an error.

    Overall: [5.5]
    The writer should aim to fully address the question in the prompt, incorporate a larger variety of sentence structures and vocabulary, and revise for grammatical errors.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about history of the house or building they live in. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?
    With an increasing focus on heritage and lineage, there is a growing curiosity among individuals in several nations to delve into the history of their own homes or the buildings they live in. This essay will explain different reasons for this trend and suggest means for individuals to conduct such research.

    The obsession with personal history and heritage could be attributed to numerous factors. The primary reason being the pervasive influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. With unprecedented home confinements, individuals have developed a newfound relationship with their homes, sparking curiosity about its past. Additionally, understanding the history of one's home can create a sense of belonging and connection with the past. It provides a personal narrative that adds to one's identity and gives a sense of perspective about one's place in history.

    Individuals interested in learning about architectural history have a plethora of resources at their disposal. One rich source of information could be local municipal or county records, which often have detailed information about previous owners, architectural drawings, or other pertinent details about the house. Furthermore, older neighbors or members of the community might have insights or stories that are not documented in official records. Online resources such as historical societies, genealogy websites and online archives of old newspapers also serve as a treasure trove of information.

    In conclusion, the motivation to uncover the history of one's house stems from a desire to explore personal history and derive a feeling of groundedness. The path to this discovery is laden with multiple sources, lying in local records, community narratives, and online resources.

    Word count: 263

    Essay translated in Korean:
    유산과 계보에 대한 집중 증가로 인해, 여러 나라의 개인들 사이에서 자신들이 사는 집이나 건물의 역사를 살펴 보려는 호기심이 커지고 있다. 이 논문은 이런 경향에 대한 다양한 이유를 설명하고, 개인이 이런 연구를 어떻게 수행할 수 있는지 제안한다.

    개인의 역사와 유산에 대한 집착은 여러 요인에 기인할 수 있다. 주요한 이유는 COVID-19 대유행의 만연한 영향이다. 전례 없는 집에 갇혀 있음으로써, 개인들은 그들의 집에 대한 새롭게 발견된 관계를 개발했고, 이것이 과거에 대한 호기심을 자극했다. 또한, 자신의 집의 역사를 이해하는 것은 과거와의 소속감과 연결을 만들어준다.

    자신의 집의 역사를 알고 싶어하는 사람들은 다양한 자료를 이용할 수 있다. 정보의 한 가지 풍부한 출처는 지방 자치단체나 카운티 기록할 수 있는데, 이들은 종종 이전 소유주, 건축 도면, 집에 대한 기타 관련 세부사항에 대한 상세한 정보를 갖고 있다. 또한 공식 기록에는 문서화되지 않은 이웃이나 커뮤니티의 이야기가 있을 수 있다.

    결론적으로, 자신의 집의 역사를 밝혀내려는 의욕은 개인적인 역사를 탐험하고 안정감을 얻고자 하는 욕구에서 비롯된다.

    Good expressions:
    1. Unprecedented home confinements - 전례 없는 가정 구금
    2. A sense of belonging and connection - 소속감 및 연결
    3. Personal narrative - 개인의 이야기
    4. Sense of perspective - 관점의 감각
    5. Plethora of resources - 다양한 자원
    6. Treasure trove of information - 정보의 보물창고
    7. Desire to explore personal history - 개인 역사 탐색의 욕구
    8. Feeling of groundedness - 안정감 또는 실제적인 느낌
    제출한 라이팅
    In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about history of the house or building they live in.
    What are the reasons for this?
    How can people research this?

    In some nations , a number of people are getting more interested in discovering historical record of their houses. In my opinion, I agree that there are increasingly individuals who become interested in getting to know about history of the houses and buildings where they live.

    To begin with, when people spend more time in their houses due to the covid 19, they are more likely to become interested in their homes and which can lead them to have a tendency to find out the history of their houses.


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