아이엘츠 스피킹
모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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  • Opinion

Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear. Do you agree or disagree?

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    Task Response: [6]
    The student has attempted to address the task and presents a fairly clear position. Both sides of the argument are presented, however, the reasoning behind why some people prefer print media is underdeveloped.

    Coherence & Cohesion: [6]
    The essay is organized logically and there is clear progression throughout. The points are normally evident, though one or two lacks clear cohesion due to the use of informal expressions such as "get some news too easily" and "leads to obtain knowledges quickly".

    Lexical Resource: [6]
    There is a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision, and to convey personal views, although some vocabulary misuse may cause minor confusion for the reader.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: [5]
    While a variety of grammatical structures is used and there is control of more complex forms, there are errors with singular/plural forms, subject-verb agreement, prepositions, and the misuse of certain terms and phrases. Also, the punctuation needs improvement.

    Overall: [6]
    The essay generally meets the average standards for Task 2 of the IELTS writing section. The student demonstrates an adequate command of English, though more work is needed on accuracy and vocabulary usage.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear. Do you agree or disagree?
    In recent years, there is an increasing perception that the Internet will supersede newspapers and magazines as the main source of news and information. This essay delves into this proposition, drawing upon various viewpoints before formulating a personal conclusion.

    Admittedly, traditional print media like newspapers and magazines have an enduring appeal for many readers. For such individuals, the sensory pleasure associated with holding and turning physical pages is irreplaceable. Furthermore, older generations might have inclinations towards such forms due to their familiarity and sentimental values connected to this medium.

    Despite these factors, the ascendency of the Internet as the dominant delivery vehicle for news and information seems inevitable. The convenience and speed by which one can glean knowledge from the Internet are unparalleled, leading to its immense popularity. This notion is substantiated by a study conducted by the Korea University Student Foundation, which states that approximately 90% of students turn to the Internet for academic information. The granularity control offered by the Internet, courtesy of algorithms, further adds to its attractiveness.

    In conclusion, while traditional forms of media retain their unique allure, the digital tide represented by the Internet is inexorable. Thus, in my opinion, the Internet is poised to become the primary conduit for news and information.

    Word Count: 196

    Essay translated in Korean:
    최근에는 인터넷이 신문과 잡지를 대체할 주요 뉴스 및 정보의 소스가 될 것이라는 인식이 증가하고 있다. 이 에세이는 이 주장을 깊이 파고들어, 여러 견해를 들여다보고 개인적인 결론을 내린다.

    어쩌면, 신문과 잡지와 같은 전통적인 인쇄 매체는 많은 독자들에게 지속적인 매력을 지니고 있다. 이런 사람들에게 물리적 페이지를 들고 넘기는 감각적인 즐거움은 대체할 수 없다. 더욱이, 더 이상의 세대들은 이 매체에 대한 익숙함과 감상적 가치로 인해 이러한 경향을 가질 수 있다.

    이런 요인에도 불구하고, 뉴스와 정보의 주요 전달 수단으로서 인터넷의 우세는 불가피하다. 인터넷에서 지식을 얻는 편리함과 속도는 무수히 많아져 그 인기를 얻게되었다. 이 주장은 대한민국 대학 재단이 실시한 연구에서, 대략 90%의 학생들이 학식적인 정보를 얻기 위해 인터넷에 의지한다고 발표함으로써 입증된다. 알고리즘의 체계적인 제어가 추가로 제공되어 그 매력을 더한다.

    결론적으로, 전통적인 매체 형식이 독특한 매력을 유지하는 동안, 인터넷이 대표하는 디지털의 조류는 멈추지 않는다. 따라서 내 의견으로는, 인터넷이 뉴스와 정보의 주요 전달수단이 될 것으로 보인다.

    Good expressions:
    1. "enduring appeal" - 지속적인 매력
    2. "sensory pleasure" - 감각적인 즐거움
    3. "ascendency of the Internet" - 인터넷의 우세
    4. "unparalleled" - 비교할 수 없는
    5. "granularity control" - 세밀한 제어
    6. "unique allure" - 독특한 매력
    7. "digital tide" - 디지털 조류
    8. "primary conduit" - 주요 전달 수단
    제출한 라이팅
    It is generally acknowledged by certain individual that the Internet will be one of best way to get some information and news rather than newspapers that they are going to disappear. In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives and express my own opinion.

    On the one hand, individuals who love to read newspapers and magazines prefer to get some interests that they provide from print media. They enjoy the tactile experience of holding a psycial paper things such as flipping through pages. Moreover, certain demographics, such as older generations, may feel more comfortable and nostalgic with newspapers and magazines, further contributing to their preference for print media

    On the other hand, it is undeniable factor that the Internet will be the preferred way of information delivery. This is because people desire to get some news too easily. Additionally, individual leads to obtain knowledges quickly on the Internet that there are uncountably information and facts. For instance, a survey conducted by Korea University Student Foundation revealed that nearly 90% of students rely on the Internet getting some information for their homework. Furthermore, people can choose their own categories of interest, since algorithms have emerged. Thus, the Internet is going to the most popular way of finding some news and information. I also strongly believe that this assertion.

    In conclusion, while some people still prefer traditional methods like newspapers and magazines that giving some interests and feeling comfortable, searching on the Internet is becoming increasingly common. I also only partially agree with this assertion that the Internet is more popular way of delivery of news and information.


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