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모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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  • Problem and Solution

Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?

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    Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?
    Recent research has revealed a disconcerting trend: many convicted criminals who are imprisoned end up reoffending once they are released. This raises the important question of why this phenomenon occurs and what measures can be taken to address it effectively. In the following essay, I will explore the underlying reasons for this pattern and propose potential solutions.

    There are several factors contributing to the high recidivism rate among former inmates. Firstly, the lack of adequate rehabilitation programs in prisons undermines the possibility of successful reintegration into society. Without the necessary tools and skills to rebuild their lives, individuals may resort to criminal activities out of desperation or lack of viable alternatives. Secondly, the stigma associated with the prison experience hinders ex-convicts from securing stable employment and housing upon release, leading them to revert to criminal behavior. Additionally, the detrimental influence of fellow criminals within correctional facilities creates an environment that perpetuates criminality, making it difficult for inmates to break free from their old habits.

    To tackle this pressing issue, a multi-faceted approach is needed. Firstly, prisons should prioritize and enhance their rehabilitation programs, offering inmates opportunities for education, vocational training, and psychological counseling. Equipping individuals with marketable skills and addressing their underlying issues can significantly increase their chances of successful reintegration. In addition, public perception of ex-prisoners must change through educational campaigns and awareness programs. Society needs to recognize the importance of rehabilitation and support the reintegration process by offering job training, housing assistance, and social support networks to ex-convicts. Moreover, community-based initiatives, such as halfway houses and mentorship programs, can provide ongoing guidance and support to ex-prisoners as they navigate their way back into society.

    In conclusion, the high rate of recidivism among released criminals can be attributed to the lack of rehabilitation programs, social stigma, and the negative influence of prison environments. By implementing comprehensive rehabilitation initiatives, altering public perceptions, and providing ongoing support, society can empower former inmates with the tools they need to leave their criminal past behind and successfully reintegrate into society.

    [275 words]


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