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모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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  • Problem and Solution

Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

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  • 스코어팩토리 AI가 에세이를 평가하였습니다.

    Task Response: 6 - The essay addresses the task prompt and presents both advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. The student provides a clear introduction and conclusion, and the main points are supported with examples and personal experience.

    Coherence & Cohesion: 7 - The essay is well-organized and the ideas are logically presented. Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, and there is good use of linking words and phrases to connect ideas.

    Lexical Resource: 6 - The student demonstrates a good range of vocabulary, and some less common words and phrases are used. However, there are a few instances of repetition and some word choices could be improved.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: 6 - The student shows a good grasp of grammar structures and uses a variety of sentence types. There are a few errors in verb tense agreement and word order, but overall the essay is easy to understand.

    Overall: 6.5 - This essay demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and presents a balanced argument. The language used is generally accurate and there is an adequate range of vocabulary. With some improvements in word choice and grammatical accuracy, the essay could reach a higher band score.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learning from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
    Online learning has become increasingly popular among students worldwide, providing them with a range of methods to acquire qualifications without the need for classroom instruction. This shift towards distance learning has been particularly emphasized since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, as universities have resorted to offering online courses. While this development brings about certain advantages, it also presents certain drawbacks. This essay will explore both perspectives before presenting a final stance on the matter.

    One of the main advantages of distance learning is the convenience it offers to students. By eliminating the need to physically attend classes, students can study from the comfort of their own homes or in a cozy café. This flexibility allows individuals to pursue their desired courses without the limitations of geographical boundaries. Additionally, the concentration of students tends to improve during online classes as they are able to choose a suitable environment for studying, such as a library, a café, or their own house. From a personal standpoint, I have found that I am better able to focus on my studies during online sessions compared to traditional classroom settings.

    However, one notable disadvantage of distance learning is the loss of opportunities to interact with a diverse range of individuals. College life is often cherished for the relationships formed with peers, seniors, and instructors. Unfortunately, when learning through online courses, students miss out on the chance to meet new people and engage in meaningful face-to-face conversations. Consequently, this may lead to a decline in interpersonal relationships and a sense of isolation.

    In conclusion, while the positive impact of distance learning cannot be ignored, I firmly believe that face-to-face classes remain the most effective method of education. This is primarily because the social aspect of attending university plays a crucial role in personal growth and the development of meaningful relationships. [260 words]

    Good expressions:
    1. a range of methods - 다양한 방법
    2. acquire qualifications - 자격을 얻다
    3. classroom instruction - 교실 교육
    4. resort to - 의존하다
    5. limitations of geographical boundaries - 지리적 한계
    6. cherish - 소중히 여기다
    7. engage in - 참여하다
    8. interpersonal relationships - 대인관계
    9. sense of isolation - 고립감 느낌
    10. personal growth - 개인적 성장
    제출한 라이팅
    Nowadays, students around the world can study a range of methods whether they utilize distance learning systems or study from face-to-face classes. Especially, since COVID-19 broke out, many universities used online learning courses. These functions made not only today's studying method change but also developed traditional learning techniques. Of course, these ways crucially have drawbacks. Today, this essay will discuss both perspectives before giving my final opinion.

    One of the main advantages was that after being conducted in a remote teaching method, they did not have to go directly to college to learn a major or minor course. They could learn that wanted courses at home or cafe. Moreover, the concentration of students sharply increased because they could focus on studying at a stable place such as a library, coffee shop, or house. In my own experience, l could better concentrate on studying during distance learning classes than in offline classes.

    However, one of the main disadvantages was that the chance to meet various people was lost.The reason why we go to college is to meet a range of people such as seniors, friends, and instructors. Though, while we learned through offline courses, we lost the opportunity to meet people. As a result, a person-to-person relationship became stark and grow apart.

    In conclusion, the positive effect of long distance learning system is critical but l argue that the most effective way to study is face-to-face classes. Because the reason why we go to university is to make a precious relationship.


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