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모범답안 5-8월호 출시
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  • Opinion

Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear. Do you agree or disagree?

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    Task Response: [6]
    The essay addresses the task by discussing whether the Internet will become the preferred method of news delivery, causing newspapers and magazines to disappear. The writer agrees with this idea and provides reasons to support their opinion. However, the essay could have provided a more balanced argument by considering potential drawbacks of relying solely on the Internet for news.

    Coherence & Cohesion: [5]
    The essay has a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction states the writer's position and the body paragraphs present supporting arguments. However, there are some issues with coherence and cohesion. There are some sentence-level errors that affect the overall flow of ideas, and some ideas are not well-developed or connected. Additionally, there are some repetitive phrases and lack of variety in sentence structures.

    Lexical Resource: [5]
    The essay demonstrates an adequate range of vocabulary, with some attempts at using less common words and phrases. However, there are instances where words are used incorrectly or inappropriately. Additionally, there is a lack of precision and clarity in some expressions. More varied and precise vocabulary choices would improve the overall quality of the essay.

    Grammatical Range & Accuracy: [5]
    The essay shows a fair range of grammatical structures, including complex sentences and conditional sentences. However, there are several grammatical errors that affect the clarity and accuracy of the writer's ideas. Verb tense consistency, subject-verb agreement, and article usage are some areas where errors occur.

    Overall: [5.5]
    The essay demonstrates some understanding of the task and provides a clear position. However, there are areas for improvement in coherence, cohesion, vocabulary usage, and grammatical accuracy. With more attention to these areas, the essay could be more effective and earn a higher band score.
    스코어팩토리 AI가 작성한 모범답안입니다.
    Some people say that the Internet will soon become the preferred method of delivery of news and information, causing newspapers and magazines to gradually disappear. Do you agree or disagree?
    Model Essay:

    In today's digital era, there is a growing belief that traditional newspapers and magazines are gradually being replaced by the Internet as the preferred method of delivering news and information. I completely agree with this view, as technological advancements have significantly transformed the way we access and consume information.

    First and foremost, while some individuals still enjoy the tactile experience of holding a physical book and flipping through its pages, the majority of people now prefer the convenience and accessibility offered by digital platforms. With the internet, information can be accessed with just a few clicks, eliminating the need to physically go to a bookstore or wait for the delivery of a newspaper. Furthermore, the internet allows for the instant sharing and dissemination of news, enabling individuals to stay updated with the latest developments in real-time.

    Additionally, the internet allows for a vast amount of information to be accessed free of charge. Unlike traditional newspapers or magazines that require a subscription or purchase, online articles and news portals are often available to the public at no cost. This not only makes it more convenient for people to access news and information, but it also levels the playing field, ensuring that everyone has equal access to knowledge regardless of their financial capabilities.

    In conclusion, as technology continues to advance, the increasing preference for the internet as a method of delivering news and information is inevitable. While there may still be individuals who appreciate the sensory experience offered by physical newspapers and magazines, the convenience, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness of digital platforms make them the preferred choice for the majority. As a result, it is likely that traditional newspapers and magazines will gradually fade away, making way for the dominance of the internet as the primary source of news and information.

    [263 words]

    Good expressions:
    1. growing belief - 점점 증가하는 믿음
    2. significantly transformed - 크게 변화시켰다
    3. the tactile experience - 촉각적인 경험
    4. the convenience and accessibility - 편의성과 접근성
    5. the instant sharing and dissemination - 즉시 공유와 보급
    6. the latest developments - 최신 동향
    7. a vast amount of information - 많은 양의 정보
    8. no cost - 비용없이
    9. levels the playing field - 기회의 평등을 제공
    10. the increasing preference - 증가하는 선호
    11. the convenience, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness - 편의성, 접근성 및 비용 효율성
    12. the dominance of the internet - 인터넷의 지배
    제출한 라이팅
    Many are of the opinion that traditional books are increasingly disappeared by the digital, whereas the majority of people favor digital ones over physical papers. I agree above-mentioned as technology has dramatically developed.

    To begin with, there are people who willing to pay for traditional papers because they do not want to give up a sensory experience such as holding a book in their hands and flipping through the pages, which this cannot offer on the Internet. Also, some people like to browse in offline bookstores and like smell and mood in paper books. They think that the internet exerts a negative influence on their eyes strain.

    I would say that the Internet enable people to give useful information whatever they are. A numerous people can read an article on the Internet without charge such it gives comfortable to people. In some technologically advanced countries can read the information on digital free of charge. In the result, consume of newspapers is dramatically dropped. In the other world, newspaper companies will likely disappear as physical papers are not only comfortable but also useful.

    In conclusion, although some people love to browse in offline bookstores and like smell and mood in paper books, many of the people like to read an article on digital as it is comfortable and free of charge.

    추천인 1

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