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Mi-Jane 선생님 Speaking 후기

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  • 선생님 Mi-Jane (mijane)
    수강전 점수 5.5 - 6.0
    이번 점수 7.0
    졸업여부 졸업


    미국 간호사로 아이엘츠 준비하던 상황에서 NCLEX를 딴 후 아이엘츠 공부를 하던 와중이었어요. 전에 몇 번 본 시험에서 Overall 6.5는 나와있었지만 스피킹이 5.5-6을 맴돌아 맘고생 하던 중에 스코어 팩토리를 알게 되었고, 미제인 선생님을 추천받아 시작하게 되었습니다


    사실 영어 말하기에 겁이 없는 편이어서 프리토킹은 그럭저럭 원어민들과 무리 없이 대화할 수 있는 실력이었는데 시험이 되니까 얘기가 다르더라고요ㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠ


    문법 실수에 걱정이 많아 입을 떼는 게 어려웠고, 아이디어 내는 것에도 어려움이 있었으며, 말을 조리 있게 정리하고 내뱉지 못해서 초반에 애를 많이 먹었는데 선생님이 차분하게 정리해주시고 좋은 고급 표현들, 동의어들도 많이 알려주시고 그게 자연스럽게 입에 붙게 해 주셔서 수업을 진행할 때마다 점점 쉬워졌던 것 같아요. 그날 배운 어휘들과 단어들을 따로 노트에 정리해놓고 복습했고, part 2 같은 경우엔 프린트해서 그 옆에다 내용 플로우를 정리한 포스트잇을 붙여놓고 수시로 봤던 것이 도움이 많이 되었습니다. 그렇게 공부하다 보니 확실히 시간이 갈수록 제 영어 실력이 향상되는 걸 느낄 수 있었어요.


    또한 전에 몇 번 시험을 봤지만, 목표 점수에 도달하지 못했던 경험으로 자신감이 떨어져 있는 상태였는데 칭찬과 격려로 멘탈 관리도 많이 도와주셨어요. 덕분에 오른 자신감이 7점을 달성하는 데에 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 시험 일정이 다가올 때쯤엔 모의시험도 매일 봐주시면서 부족한 부분들의 보완과, 시험에 대한 긴장감을 많이 낮출 수 있었어요.


    결국, 3달이 거의 다 된 때에, 저번 주에 본 시험에서 7.0을 받을 수 있었습니다! 학원도 다니고 따로 여러 가지 방법으로 공부해봤는데도 성적이 나오지 않아 걱정이 이만저만이 아니었는데ㅠㅠ 믿고 따라가길 잘했다는 생각이 드네요. 너무너무 감사합니다!



    To go to America as an American nurse, I was studying for IELTS after getting the NCLEX. I got 6.5 overall in the previous tests, nonetheless I was suffering with my speaking, which hovered around from 5.5 to 6. While searching for the institution I found the Score Factory and I started with the Mi-Jane teacher that I was recommended


    In fact, I wasn't scared having a conversation using English, so I was able to talk to native speakers without difficulty, as this is not a free talking but a test, it became a different story. 

    Unlike a free talking, I was worried about grammar mistakes, having difficulties to come up with ideas, and I couldn't organize my words properly and spit them out. Therefore, I had a hard time in the beginning of the class. 


    However, she helped me to overcome those problems. Organizing thoughts, teaching me a lot of high-quality expressions and synonyms, besides helping me to get used to those naturally. As time goes by, I could feel that the class became easier! After classes, I organized and reviewed the vocabulary and expressions I learned in a notebook, and especially in the case of part 2, I printed the file out and made a post-it which contained the flow of the story, then read them frequently. As I studied like that, I could definitely feel that my English improved over time. 


    In addition, I was in a state of lack of confidence due to the experiences of previous test results not reaching the target score. She helped me to get a confidence and manage my mental condition with compliments and encouragements. I believe that the increased confidence took a stake to achieve band 7.0. When the time the test schedule approached, we had mock, tests every day and I could make up for my missing parts and get used for the exam.


    Eventually, almost three months later, I was able to get 7.0 on this test last week! I was hitting the books in various ways, but couldn’t make the result. The imagination of failing to make my blood runs cold, however I was trying to put my trust on her and follow the instruction. Thank you so much! :) 

    추천인 8

    • 밍기저기적
    • 탱탱1215
    • 욜리
    • 루루꼬맹
    • JaewooCho
    • leee0987
    • T.MI-JANE
    • 아이엘츠뿌게자!


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    T.MI-JANE 21.11.19.
    YAY!!! It's finally over! I am so proud of you. :)

    Although you went through difficulties, your achievement is really spectacular!!!
    One thing I can't forget about you is your faith in God. It's true that our teamwork played a crucial part in nailing the test, but it's God's hand that worked.

    This is just the beginning of greater things to come, so be prepared and face all challenges with faith and hard work.

    Cheers to the future!

    Mijane :)


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