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모범답안 파트 1 - 자주 꿈을 꾸나요? (feat. 다양한 답변)

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  • IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

    아이엘츠 스피킹 모범 답안




    Do you often have dreams?


    Do you often have dreams?Yes, I do.
    I have quite vivid dreams about things that are going on in my life at the time and I even have nightmares sometimes.
    I usually sleep very deeply and so I don’t dream at all.
    I used to dream all the time but in the last few years I’ve hardly had any dreams at all.
    I usually have dreams when I’m upset about something.
    I guess it’s my subconscious trying to work things out.
    But other than that, I don’t often dream.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    1. Yes, I do. I have quite vivid dreams about things that are going on in my life at the time and I even have nightmares sometimes.
    2. No. I usually sleep very deeply and so I don’t dream at all.
    3. I used to dream all the time but in the last few years I’ve hardly had any dreams at all.
    4. I usually have dreams when I’m upset about something. I guess it’s my subconscious trying to work things out. But other than that, I don’t often dream.



     Do you usually remember your dreams?


    Do you usually remember your dreamsNo, they’re usually very vague and I only remember the odd thing or image.
    But I can never remember the entire dream as they are too abstract.
    No, luckily I don’t remember them as they are almost always nightmares.
    Yes, I do.
    I remember almost every dream I have.
    I keep a dream diary so that I can analyse them later.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    1.  No, they’re usually very vague and I only remember the odd thing or image. But I can never remember the entire dream as they are too abstract.
    2. No, luckily I don’t remember them as they are almost always nightmares.
    3. Yes, I do. I remember almost every dream I have. I keep a dream diary so that I can analyse them later.


    Do you think we can learn something from dreams?


    Do you think we can learn something from dreams?No, I don’t.
    I think dreams are nonsense and not based in reality so I don’t think people should waste their time trying to find a meaning in them.
    No, I don’t.
    I think most people dream because they are not relaxed enough and are not able to enter deep sleep.
    I don’t think there’s any meaning in what people dream.
    Yes, I do.
    I think our subconscious is trying to figure things out and we can find clues by analysing our dreams.
    Yes, I do.
    I think dreams can reveal hidden messages if we know how to interpret them correctly.
    Yes, I do.
    I know dreaming of a snake means that enemies are close.
    And if you dream of your teeth falling out, it means a big change will happen in your life.
    I think dreams are very symbolic.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    1. No, I don’t. I think dreams are nonsense and not based in reality so I don’t think people should waste their time trying to find a meaning in them.
    2. No, I don’t. I think most people dream because they are not relaxed enough and are not able to enter deep sleep. I don’t think there’s any meaning in what people dream.
    3. Yes, I do. I think our subconscious is trying to figure things out and we can find clues by analysing our dreams.
    4. Yes, I do. I think dreams can reveal hidden messages if we know how to interpret them correctly.
    5. Yes, I do. I know dreaming of a snake means that enemies are close. And if you dream of your teeth falling out, it means a big change will happen in your life. I think dreams are very symbolic.




    • disturbed sleep
    • deep sleep
    • peaceful sleep
    • nightmare
    • daydream
    • vivid dreams
    • vague dreams
    • abstract dreams
    • subconscious thinking / subconscious mind
    • symbolic
    • analyse our dreams
    • nonsense
    • dream diary
    • reveal messages
    • interpret dreams


    추천인 8

    • minjeong
    • Happyjoo
    • Toby
    • Kumi
    • Kimary
    • jaehee
    • allsilvers
    • 이가현


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    Kimary 22.02.12.
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