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  • IELTS Speaking Sample Answer

    아이엘츠 스피킹 모범 답안




    Do you like plants?


    Do you like plants?Yes, I do.
    I usually have at least one indoor pot plant in my sitting room such as a peace lily.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    Yes, I do. I usually have at least one indoor pot plant in my sitting room such as a peace lily.



    Are you good at growing plants?


    Are you good at growing plants?No, I’m not.
    I definitely don’t have green fingers, unlike my grandfather who was really good with plants.
    I frequently have to buy new plants for my house when they die.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    No, I’m not. I definitely don’t have green fingers, unlike my grandfather who was really good with plants. I frequently have to buy new plants for my house when they die.



    Why do people grow plants?


    Why do people grow plants?I think some people grow plants because it’s a pleasurable hobby that they can enjoy all year round.
    It is very rewarding to grow a plant, particularly when the flowers bloom.
    For other people, it is a way to make their living environment better.
    What I mean is plants can provide not only clean air but also greenery which is supposed to be uplifting for the spirit.
    재생 일시정지 정지 다운로드


    I think some people grow plants because it’s a pleasurable hobby that they can enjoy all year round. It is very rewarding to grow a plant, particularly when the flowers bloom. For other people, it is a way to make their living environment better. What I mean is plants can provide not only clean air but also greenery which is supposed to be uplifting for the spirit.



    • Leaves
    • Stem
    • Bloom
    • Lush
    • Soil
    • Compost
    • Plant feed
    • Pruning
    • Re-potting
    • Drainage
    • Watering (daily/ regularly)
    • Automatic watering system
    • Full sunlight / shade / exposure to sun
    • North facing window
    • Variety of colours
    • Petals
    • Herbs grown in pots
      • mint, parsley, coriander, basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme
    • Vegetables grown in pots
      • tomatoes, peppers, peas, beans
    • to have green fingers

    추천인 4

    • monika
    • monika
    • Toby
    • 임지호

    • 뭉스뭉스


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    Apple09 22.01.05.
    제가 이 파트가 너무 어려웠습니다. 이렇게 좋은 자료를 제공해 주셔서 고맙습니다.
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    욜리 21.11.20.
    저는 farm에 관해서 설명해보라고 나왔었어요 ㅠㅠ 당황!!


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