Model Answer

Why do many people move to the city?

ScorefactoryIELTS Speaking Model Answers
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Why do many people move to the city?
Many people moved to cities in search of better job opportunities educational facilities and a wider range of lifestyle choices. Cities often offer a more vibrant social scenes, cultural activities and access to advanced healthcare and other essential services not always available in rural areas.
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Why do many people move to the city? Many people moved to cities in search of better job opportunities educational facilities and a wider range of lifestyle choices cities often offer a more vibrant social scenes cultural activities and access to Advanced Healthcare and other essential services not always available in rural areas off.
많은 사람들이 더 나은 일자리, 교육 시설, 다양한 라이프스타일을 찾아 도시로 이주합니다. 도시는 종종 더 활기찬 사교계, 문화 활동, 고급 의료 및 기타 필수 서비스를 제공하며 시골 지역에서는 항상 이용할 수 없는 서비스를 제공합니다.
Band 7-9 Expressions
Better job opportunities - 더 좋은 일자리 기회
Wider range of lifestyle choices - 더 넓은 생활 방식의 선택
Vibrant social scenes - 활기찬 사회적 장면
Cultural activities - 문화 활동
Advanced healthcare - 고급 의료
真正的实践: IELTS请讲
Part 3
Why do many people move to the city?

Why do many people move to the city?

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Why do many people move to the city?

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