Model Answer

Describe an important achievement you have made 
You should say: 
What you achieved
When and where you did it
Why it was an important achievement
And explain how you earned it

ScorefactoryIELTS Speaking Model Answers
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Describe an important achievement.
You have made you should say what you achieved.
When and where you did it why it was an important achievement and explain how you earn.
One of my most significant achievements was completing my first marathon in Chicago last year.
This was particularly meaningful as it represented not just a physical challenge, but also a personal victory over my previews health issues.
I had been training for over a year gradually increasing my stamina and resilience through daily runs, diet changes and mental preparation.
The marathon took place in the heart of Chicago with thousands of participating. The atmospheres was electrifying and crossing the finish line felt surreal.
This achievement was important because it marked my recovery from a serious illness that had limited my physical activities for several years. Completing the marathon proved to myself that I could overcome obstacles and set my mind to achieve significant goals.
The sense of accomplishment was immense and it gave me a new perspective on my physical and mental capabilities.
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Describe an important achievement.
You have made you should say what you achieved.
When and where you did it why it was an important achievement and explain how you earn.
One of my most significant achievements was completing my first marathon in Chicago last year.
This was particularly meaningful as it represented not just a physical challenge, but also a personal victory over my previews previews' health issues.
I had been training for over a year gradually increasing my stamina and resilience through daily runs diet changes and mental preparation.
The marathon took place in the heart of Chicago with thousands of participating participating, the atmospheres electrifying and crossing the Finish Line felt surreal.
Visit shipment was important because it marked my recovery from a serious illness that had limited my physical activities for several years years, completing the marathon proved to myself that I could overcome obstacles and set my mind to achieve significant goals.
The sense of accomplishment was immense and gave me a new perspective on my physical and mental capabilities.
가장 의미 있는 성과 중 하나는 작년에 시카고에서 열린 첫 마라톤을 완주한 것이었습니다. 이는 육체적인 도전일 뿐만 아니라 이전의 건강 문제를 극복한 개인적인 승리이기도 해서 더욱 의미 있는 일이었습니다.

저는 1년 넘게 훈련을 해왔고 매일 달리기, 식단 변화, 정신적 준비를 통해 체력과 회복력을 점차 늘려왔습니다. 마라톤은 시카고 중심부에서 수천 명이 참가한 가운데 열렸습니다. 분위기는 짜릿했고 결승선을 통과하는 순간은 초현실적으로 느껴졌습니다.

몇 년 동안 신체 활동을 제한했던 심각한 질병에서 회복했다는 점에서 이 성과는 매우 중요했습니다. 마라톤 완주를 통해 장애를 극복하고 중요한 목표를 달성할 수 있다는 것을 스스로에게 증명했습니다. 성취감은 엄청났고 제 신체적, 정신적 능력에 대한 새로운 시각을 갖게 되었습니다.
Band 7-9 Expressions
Significant achievement - 중요한 성취
Personal victory - 개인적인 승리
Stamina and resilience - 체력과 회복력
Electrifying atmosphere - 전기가 통하는 분위기
Sense of accomplishment - 성취감
리얼프랙티스: IELTS 스피킹
Part 2
Describe an important achievement you have made

Describe an important achievement you have made 
You should say: 
What you achieved
When and where you did it
Why it was an important achievement
And explain how you earned it

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Describe an important achievement you have made 
You should say: 
What you achieved
When and where you did it
Why it was an important achievement
And explain how you earned it

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