Model Answer

How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?

ScorefactoryIELTS Speaking Model Answers
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How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?
To encourage children to express themselves, especially when they are hesitant adults should approach them with empathy and patience.
It's helpful to create a safe space where children feel comfortable and not judged. Encouraging them to share at their own pace and validating
their feelings can make them more open to be expressing their thoughts and concerns.
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How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer? To encourage children to express themselves, especially when they are hesitant hesitant, adults should approach them with empathy and patience.
It's helpful to create a safe space where children feel comfortable and not judged judged, encouraging them to share their own pace and validating.
Their feelings can make them more open to be expressing their thoughts and concerns.
특히 어린이가 주저할 때 자신을 표현하도록 격려하려면 어른들이 공감과 인내심을 가지고 다가가야 합니다. 아이들이 편안하게 느끼고 비판받지 않는 안전한 공간을 조성하는 것이 도움이 됩니다. 아이들이 자신의 속도에 맞춰 이야기를 나누도록 격려하고 자신의 감정을 확인해주면 아이들은 자신의 생각과 고민을 더 개방적으로 표현할 수 있습니다.
Band 7-9 Expressions
Hesitant - 주저하는
Empathy - 공감
Safe space - 안전한 공간
Validating - 인정하는
Concerns - 우려
實戰: IELTS請講
New Jan-Apr
Part 3
How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?

How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?

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How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?

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