Model Answer

On what occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual?

ScorefactoryIELTS Speaking Model Answers
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On What occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual?
There are situations where it's appropriate for a child to talk less, such as during a class lesson
where listening is crucial, in a library where quiet is respected, or in a serious conversation where they need to understand others perspectives. Teaching children about these social contexts helps them develop social awareness and respect for others.
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On What occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual? There are situations where it's appropriate for a child to talk less less, such as during a class lesson.
We're listening is crucial in a library where a quiet is respected wage or in a serious conversation where they need to understand others perspectives teaching children about these social contexts helps them develop social awareness and respect for others.
경청이 중요한 수업 시간, 정숙이 존중되는 도서관, 다른 사람의 관점을 이해해야 하는 진지한 대화 등 어린이가 말을 적게 하는 것이 적절한 상황이 있습니다. 아이들에게 이러한 사회적 맥락에 대해 가르치면 아이들이 사회적 인식과 타인에 대한 존중을 키우는 데 도움이 됩니다.
Band 7-9 Expressions
Class lesson - 수업
Crucial - 중요한
Perspectives - 관점
Social awareness - 사회적 인식
Respect - 존중
真正的实践: IELTS请讲
New Jan-Apr
Part 3
On what occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual?

On what occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual?

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On what occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual?

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