Model Answer

Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study
You should say:
Who the person is
What he/she said
How the advice/suggestion affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions

Gerryielts2022_5-8_p2q24_Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your study
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I'm fascinated to talk about the time when I received life-changing advice for my study. Speaking of the person who gave me this advice, it was my best friend named Greg.
He's an average height guy with a good sense of fashion. Due to the many years of our friendship,
I can say that he's an optimistic and thoughtful person.
Well, the advice was all about how to handle academic stress effectively. Back
when we were in high school,
I struggled a lot with my academics.
I was failing exams and missing project submissions.
Greg gave me some tips on how to improve my management skills,
such as waking up early to study, cutting down some bad habits, and boosting my memory skills.
Of course, I followed him, and everything worked like magic. It goes without saying that his advice affected me positively.
I mean, thanks to him,
I improved my school grades and became punctuation with my submissions. Not to mention,
I also develop good study habits that I still use today, like reading every morning.
If you ask me, I'd say I feel remarkably grateful for the advice because it was the turning point in my life.
I became impassioned in my academics and had a better perspective on my career path.
Every time I hit a slump,
I always recall my friend's timeless and wise advice. It never fails to restore and empower me.
So, you could say that this advice changed my life for good.
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I'm fascinated to talk about the time when I received life-changing advice for my study, speaking of the person who gave me this advice, thought it was my best friend named Greg.
He's an average height guy with a good sense of fashion due to the many years of our friendship.
I can say that whole piece and optimistic and thoughtful person.
Well, the advice was all about how to handle academic stress effectively back.
When we were in high school.
I struggled a lot with my academics.
I was failing exams and missing project submissions.
Greg, gave me some tips on how to improve strengthen my management skills.
Such a waking up early to study study, cutting down some bad habits and boosting my memory skills.
Of course, I followed him and everything worked like magic magic, it goes without saying that his his advice affected me positively.
I mean, thanks to him.
I improved my school grades and became punctuation with my submissions submissions, not to mention.
I Furthermore, I also develop good study habits that I still use today today, like reading every morning.
If you ask me, I'd say I feel remarkably grateful for the advice because it was the turning point in my life.
I became impassioned in my academics, a had a better perspective on my career path.
Every time I hit a slump.
I always recall my friends friend's Timeless and wise advice advice, it never fails to restore and Empower empower me.
So So, you could say that this advice changed my life for good.
  • Ocean
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Part 2
Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study

Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study
You should say:
Who the person is
What he/she said
How the advice/suggestion affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions

Model Answer
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Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study
You should say:
Who the person is
What he/she said
How the advice/suggestion affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions

150 SECS
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