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Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?

Gerryielts2022_5-8_p2q24p3_Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study
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In my view, I suppose it's mainly because negative feedback, in the form of constructive criticism, can give people ideas on what they must develop and improve about themselves.
For example, in the workplace,
I believe the manager or leader should be more honest with his staff about their performance.
If he criticizes without nagging or blaming, it will allow the staff to learn from their mistakes. In the long run,
they will have career growth and development.
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In my view, I suppose it's mainly because negative feedback in the form of constructive criticism can give people ideas on what they must develop and improve about themselves.
For example, in the workplace.
I believe the manager manager, or leader, should be more honest with his staff about their performance.
If he criticizes without nagging or blaming, it will allow the staff to learn from their mistakes in the long run eventually.
They will have careers careered a growth and development.
實戰: IELTS請講
Part 3
Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?

Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?

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Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?

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