Model Answer

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much
You should say:
When the day was
Where you went
How much you spent
And explain how you feel about the day

Gerryielts2022_5-8_p2q11_Describe a special day out that cost you little money
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A couple of months ago,
I went to Jeju island with my friends.
We had been planning to have a vacation there because it's been a very long time
since we last had our holiday. All of our jobs are so stressful, especially in my case because I always have to work overtime.
We stayed in a hotel and we visited a lot of restaurants and other facilities there.
When we arrived on the island, I went over my budget because I spent a lot of money on a bunch of unexpected things.
My budget for that trip was around $1,500, but when I went there, I guess I spent more than $2,000 because I went to the massage center.
My friend recommended that the massage therapist was really amazing, so
I gave in and went with her.
I felt so relaxed during that time because her massage techniques were really great. After the session,
all the pain, muscle soreness and tensions were gone.
I also splashed out and ordered some delicious food in various restaurants there.
That's why I spent a little more.
I felt a bit guilty about it, but overall, I was over the moon because I enjoyed my time in Jeju Island.
I was able to recharge my batteries and I believe that once in a while, we need to spend more money to be happy. That vacation in Jeju island
with my friend was a blast and spending a little more was fine because it was a guilty pleasure
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A couple of months ago.
I went to Jesuit island with my friends.
We had been planning to have a vacation there because it's been a, very long time.
Since we last had our holiday, all of our jobs are so stressful, especially in my case, because because I always have to work overtime wage.
We stayed in a hotel, and we visited a lot of many restaurants and other facilities.
There, when we arrived on arrived at the island, I went over my budget because I spent a lot of money on a bunch of unexpected things, my budget.
For that trip was it was around $1,500, but when I went there, I guess I spent more than $2,000 because I went to the massage center.
My friend recommended that the massage therapist was really amazing wonderful song.
Gave in and went with her.
I felt so relaxed during that time because her massage techniques were really great after the session.
All the gain muscle soreness and tensions were gunned.
I also splashed out and ordered some delicious food in various restaurants there.
That's why I spent a little more.
I felt a bit guilty about it, but overall, I was over the moon because I enjoyed my time in Jeju EU Island.
I was able to recharge my batteries and I believe that once in a while, we need to spend more money to be happy that vacation in Jeju EU island.
With my friend was a blast blast, em, spending a little more was fine because it was a guilty pleasure.
實戰: IELTS請講
Part 2
Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much

Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much
You should say:
When the day was
Where you went
How much you spent
And explain how you feel about the day

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Describe a special day out that cost you little money/didn’t cost you much
You should say:
When the day was
Where you went
How much you spent
And explain how you feel about the day

150 SECS
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