Model Answer

Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

Gerryielts2022_5-8_p2q8p3_Do you like to celebrate important events
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Celebrating important events is always on my bucket list.
Not only because they are fun and exciting but also, in my country, important events are at the best time for families to gather.
For instance, during Korean New Year and Thanksgiving,
we love going back to our home town to spend quality time with our family and relatives.
It's my one chance every year to catch up with the people I love, and I can't miss it.
Of course, I also look forward to birthdays, Christmas, Halloween and Valentine's Day.
These events add color to my life.
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Celebrating important events is always constantly on my bucket list.
Not only because they are fun and exciting, but also in my country important events are at the best time for families to gather.
For instance, during Korean New Year and Thanksgiving.
We love going back to our home town hometown to spend quality time with our family and relatives.
It's my one chance every year to catch up with the people, I love, and I can't miss it.
Of course, but I also look forward to birthdays Christmas Halloween and Valentine's Day.
These events add color to my life.
實戰: IELTS請講
Part 3
Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

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Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

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