Model Answer

On what occasions do people need to be organized?

Gerryielts2022_1-4_p2q23p3_On what occasions do people need to be organized
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I think when people are cooking, they have to be organized,
otherwise, the food will come out horrible.
I think this is specially true in baking.
They have to organize the ingredients by following the exact measurement and doing the right method. When people are working,
they also have to be organized,
otherwise, they won't be able to complete their tasks efficiently.
In my case,
when I am preparing for an exam,
I have to make sure that my schedule is correct
and in order, otherwise, I will get lazy.
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I think when people are cooking cooking, they have to be organized.
Otherwise Otherwise, the food will come out horrible.
I think this is specially true in baking.
They have to organize the ingredients by following the exact measurement and doing the right method when people are working.
They also have to be organized.
Otherwise, they won't be able to complete their tasks.
Efficiently in my case.
When I am preparing for an exam.
I have to make sure that my schedule is correct.
And in order, otherwise, I will get lazy.
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Part 3
On what occasions do people need to be organized?

On what occasions do people need to be organized?

Model Answer
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On what occasions do people need to be organized?

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