Model Answer

How do people get to know a new place?

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Well, there are several ways.
One would be through social media. These days, people post everything online.
They share places
they visit, the food and the things they buy.
I know people who would even share them across several media platforms.
Instagram is famous for this trend and many establishments use social media to promote their business because people consult it more often than any other media outlet.
Another would be through referrals.
I am not the type of person who goes around much,
so I depend on my friends for recommendations. They never fail me.
One of my best friends as a food fanatic and she knows all the best places to visit, depending on your craving.
I think TV is still a great avenue for advertising, even in this day and age.
So we can also get to know a new place to visit while watching TV.
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Well, there are several ways.
One would be through social media, these days, people post everything online.
They share places.
They visit the food and the things they buy home.
I know people who would even share them across several many media platforms.
Instagram is famous for this trend and many establishments use social media to promote their business because people consulted more often than any other media outlet.
Another would be through referrals.
I am not the type of person who goes around much.
So So, I depend on my friends for recommendations, they never found me.
One of my best friends as a food fanatic and , and she knows all the best places to visit depending on your craving.
I think TV is still a great Avenue for advertising even in this day and age currently.
So So, we can also get to know a new place to visit while watching TV.
實戰: IELTS請講
Part 3
How do people get to know a new place?

How do people get to know a new place?

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How do people get to know a new place?

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