Model Answer

Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

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There are various reasons for this. One can be because of the limitations that specialists have set for themselves.
They probably did not want to try new things.
Another reason is that maybe I want to be an expert in their field only. They poured all their effort into their one talent and did not focus on anything else.
For example, some dancers concentrate only on their dancing and all its related aspects.
It made them into expert dancers but they had to forgo other parts of their education to achieve this goal.
On the other hand, some have the capability to be an expert in many talents. As soon as they have mastered doing one thing,
they move on to the next and develop great skills.
Numerous musicians are not only good at playing one instrument.
Most of them can play the piano, guitar, drums, violin, or other musical instruments.
A grade actor can be a professional singer and dancer
at the same time Lady Gaga is a perfect example of this. And it is not only limited to the arts;
Various aspects also have this innate ability.
Tim Duncan, the basketball legend, started out as an Olympic-bound swimming national champion.
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There are various reasons for this this, one can be because of the limitations that Specialists have set for themselves.
They probably did not want to try new things.
Another reason is that maybe I want to be an expert in their field only, they poured all their effort into their one talent and did not focus on anything else.
For example, some dancers concentrate, only only, on their dancing and all its related aspects.
It made them into expert dancers, but they had to forgo other parts of their education to achieve this goal.
On the other hand, some have the capability to be an expert in many talents, as soon as they have mastered, doing one thing.
They move on to the next and develop great skills.
Numerous musicians are not only good at playing one instrument.
Most of them can play the piano, guitar, drums, violin, or other musical instruments.
A grade actor can be a professional singer and Dancer.
At the same time time, Lady Gaga is a perfect example of this and , and it is not only limited to the Arts.
Various aspects also have this innate ability.
Tim, Duncan the basketball legend started out as an Olympic bound swimming national champion.
實戰: IELTS請講
Part 3
Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

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Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

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