Model Answer

Describe someone who is older than you that you admire
You should say:
    who this person is
    how you knew this person
    what kinds of things you like to do together
    and explain how you feel about this person

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I've always held my mentor Bob in high regard.
He used to be a troubleshooter for a large Australian
engineering firm before becoming a lecturer at our college.
I met him a lifetime ago I was a freshman in university. He was a bit intimidating at first with his full beard and cowboy boots. Soon,
however, Bob started to regale us with tales of his travels
around the world solving massive engineering problems for his company.
He would then use those stories as a launchpad for the day's lesson. He won our admiration and respect because of that. We had so many good times together.
After a major exam, he would invite students to join him for a beer or two to decompress.
Invariably, the conversation would always go back to the latest exam and we would realize how brilliant he is all over again.
He made the trickiest problems seem easy and approached things with a sense of humor.
He was a special educator who made learning fun and interesting.
I'm not ashamed to say that I miss Bob. He passed away last year due to a stroke. Doctors suspect that it was a complication from the Covid virus. What's sad is that many of us who knew him couldn't even attend a funeral rites. Whenever he is, I hope he is happy to know that he touched my life and those of others in a such a wonderful way.
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단어 교정 보기
I've always held my mentor mentor, Bob, in high regard.
He used to be a troubleshooter for a large Australian.
Engineering firm before becoming a lecturer at our College.
I met him a lifetime ago, I was a freshman in University, he was a bit intimidating at first, with his full beard and cowboy boots soon.
However, Bob started to Regale regale us with Tales of his travels.
Around the world solving massive engineering problems for his company.
He would then use those stories as a Launchpad for the day's lesson, he won our admiration and respect because of that, we had so many good times together.
After a major exam, he would invite students to join him for a beer or two to decompress.
Invariably the conversation would always go back to the latest exam and , and we would realize how brilliant he is all over again.
He made the trickiest, problems, seem easy and approached things with a sense of humor.
He was a special educator who made learning, fun, and interesting.
I'm not ashamed to say that I miss Bob, he passed away last year due to a stroke doctors suspect that it was a complication from the covid-19 COVID-19 is, what's sad, is that many of us who knew him couldn't even attend a funeral rites a funeral rite wherever he is, I hope he is happy to know that he touched my life and those of others in a such a wonderful way.
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Part 2
Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

Describe someone who is older than you that you admire
You should say:
    who this person is
    how you knew this person
    what kinds of things you like to do together
    and explain how you feel about this person

Model Answer
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Describe someone who is older than you that you admire
You should say:
    who this person is
    how you knew this person
    what kinds of things you like to do together
    and explain how you feel about this person

150 SECS
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