Model Answer

Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc) you have played.
You should say:
What it was like
How easy or difficult it was
How long it took you to solve
And explain how you felt about it

댓글 등록
I started playing Sudoku with my brother Mark over a decade ago.
Sudoku is a Japanese numbers game in which a square grid has to be filled with the numbers 1 to 9.
Every row and column has to be filled in without repeating the digits.
It looks similar to a crossword puzzle.
There are varying degrees of difficulty in Sudoku.
The fewer starting clues provided, the harder
the puzzle is. I found it
tricky to wrap my mind around the game at first, but I improved rapidly when I took it
seriously. The first few days I played,
it took me at least ten minutes to finish intermediate levels,
while advanced versions took at least half an hour. Sometimes I just gave up, or completed a grid but with the wrong solution. My younger brother,
on the other hand, always finished a few minutes faster.
I started with the easier puzzles and my progress was fast so it was fun
initially. The problem came when I tried the
advanced levels.
It was so hard to solve with very few clues,
and I had to use a lot of trial-and-error.
My pencil was worn down to a nub erasing and rewriting my answers.
I got even more frustrated when Mark and I competed to see who can solve the puzzles faster and I never won.
He was always a few steps ahead of me.
모두 보기
단어 교정 보기
I started playing sudoku Sudoku with my brother Mark over a decade ago.
Sudoku as a Japanese numbers game in which a square grid has to be filled with the numbers 1 to 9.
Every row and column has to be filled in without repeating, the digits.
It looks similar to a crossword.
Puzzle there are varying degrees of difficulty in Sudoku.
The fewer starting Clues clues provided the harder.
The puzzle is, I found it.
Tricky to wrap my mind around the game at first, but I improved rapidly when I took it.
Seriously, the first few days I played.
It took me at least ten minutes to finish intermediate levels.
While Advanced advanced versions took at least half an hour, sometimes I just gave up or completed a grid, but with the wrong Solutions, my younger brother.
On the other hand, always finished a few minutes faster.
I started with the easier puzzles and but and progress was fast, so it was fun.
Initially, the problem came when I tried the dog.
Amps levels.
It was so hard to solve with very few Clues clues.
And I had to use a lot of trial-and-error.
My pencil was worn down to a nub erasing and rewriting my answers wrong.
I got even more frustrated when Mark and I competed to see who can solve the puzzles faster and , and I never won.
He was always a few steps ahead of me.
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Part 2
Describe a puzzle you have played

Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc) you have played.
You should say:
What it was like
How easy or difficult it was
How long it took you to solve
And explain how you felt about it

Model Answer
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Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc) you have played.
You should say:
What it was like
How easy or difficult it was
How long it took you to solve
And explain how you felt about it

150 SECS
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