Model Answer

Describe a natural talent(sports, music,etc) you want to improve
You should say:
What it is
When you discovered it
How you want to improve it
And explain how you feel about it

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I'm going to talk about the natural ability I really wish to enhance, which is teamwork skills.
Well, it's all about engaging with other people, learning about each other and supporting each other.
It has also to do with camaraderie to achieve a certain kind of goal.
I remember, I discovered that I have a knack for teamwork when I was in high school. At that time, my classmates and I were working on some science projects and everything was falling apart since no one wanted to take charge.
I volunteered to serve as an interim or temporary leader. Long story short, the project was a success and we even got an award.
Well, when it comes to improving this talent, I think I can do it through participating in team projects or sports or simply nurturing
my natural urge to work with my fellow peers.
I mean, there's just tons of ways to choose from in personally,
I'll start with team projects at work. To be honest,
I feel quite grateful to have this kind of natural talent. As you know, teamwork promotes friendship and compassion. Not just that
but also, it allows people to brainstorm and deal with a diversity of thoughts, perspectives and opinions. It also provides great learning opportunities.
Well, all things considered, I'm just thankful to know that I can use it in ways more than one
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I'm going to talk about the natural ability, I really wish to enhance, which is teamwork skills.
Well, it's all about engaging with other people, learning about each other and supporting each other off.
It has also to do with camaraderie to achieve a certain kind of goal.
I remember I discovered that I have a knack for teamwork when I was in high school at that time, my classmates and I were working on some science projects and everything was falling apart since no one wanted to take charge.
I volunteered to serve as an interim or temporary leader, long story short, the project was a success and , and we even got an award.
Well, when it comes to improving this talent, I think I can do it through participating in team projects or sports or simply nurtures.
My natural urge to work with my fellow peers.
I mean, there's there are just tons of ways to choose from in personally.
I'll start with Team team projects at work to , to be honest.
I Furthermore, I feel quite grateful to have this kind of natural Talent as, you know, teamwork, promotes friendship and compassion, not just that.
But also, it allows people to brainstorm and deal with a diversity of thoughts perspectives and opinions, it also provides great learning opportunities.
Well, all things considered, I'm just thankful to know that I can use it in ways more than one
真正的实践: IELTS请讲
Part 2
Describe a natural talent you want to improve

Describe a natural talent(sports, music,etc) you want to improve
You should say:
What it is
When you discovered it
How you want to improve it
And explain how you feel about it

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Describe a natural talent(sports, music,etc) you want to improve
You should say:
What it is
When you discovered it
How you want to improve it
And explain how you feel about it

150 SECS
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