Model Answer

Do you think some people are better than others at persuading?

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Yes, I think so.
The fact that every individual is unique in their own ways means they have different skills.
This just proves that a person's power to persuade others varies at different levels, and most commonly it differs according to their interpersonal skills, knowledge, and determination. For instance, top sales agents of many different companies normally possess excellent communication skills that always display their empathy, enthusiasm and knowledge.
Not only that, most of these people don't take "no" for an answer - they're persistent and consistent. All these things make them more powerful persuaders than others.
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Yes, I think so.
The fact that every individual is unique in their own their ways means they have different skills.
This just proves that a person's power to persuade others, very good excellent at different levels and most commonly it differs according to their interpersonal skills knowledge and determination for instance top sales agents of many different many companies normally possess, excellent communication skills that always display their empathy enthusiasm and knowledge.
Not only that most of these people don't take no for an answer their persistent and consistent all these things make them more powerful persuaders than others.
實戰: IELTS請講
Part 3
Do you think some people are better than others at persuading?

Do you think some people are better than others at persuading?

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Do you think some people are better than others at persuading?

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